Hi, I wrote the following script:
Scriptname aatestYield extends ReferenceAlias{Yield test}Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Actor Target = PlayerRef.GetCombatTarget() As Actor akActionRef = Target If(!Target.IsBleedingOut() || !Target.HasKeyword(ActorTypeNPC)) return Else if(PlayerRef.IsWeaponDrawn()) if(PlayerRef.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 1 || PlayerRef.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 4) PlayerRef.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_1HMKillMoveBleedOutKill, Target) elseif(PlayerRef.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 3 || PlayerRef.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 6) PlayerRef.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_1HMKillMoveDecapBleedOut, Target) endif endif endifEndEvent Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC AutoIdle Property pa_1HMKillMoveBleedOutKill AutoIdle Property pa_1HMKillMoveDecapBleedOut Auto
The idea is the following:
If an actor of type NPC is playing the bleedout animation and the player activates such NPC at that moment, then the player will perform a finishing move on the NPC. Which finishing move depends on the weapon the player has equipped in his right hand.
This script is given to the player through a quest alias.
Does anybody spot anything wrong with the script?
Thanks for any help.