Strange overly bright sky and lighting bug

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:19 am

On my Redguard paladin warrior I recently traveled to Solsthiem and the sky turned extremely bright and lighting became over bright and saturated after I ventured through some caves. I first noticed the snow being overly bright and almost pure white making it almost impossible to see. Since then I noticed that lighting effects seem too bright and are sometimes distorted. Upon looking at the sky I noticed it was so overly bright I could not make out anything on the far horizon and could barley see anything in the sky, even at midnight. The lighting is completely overwhelming at night and it's much brighter than it should be even with Night Eye active.

This is not a game brightness issue, turning down the brightness only results in the exact same problem, only the game slightly darker. You can still notice the lighting is still completely over saturated.

I have already tried uninstalling every single mod I have but that did not fix the issue. I have also noticed this issue before on my friends Skyrim for the Xbox and my original copy on my Xbox. It seems to be something around Solsthiem that causes this issue.

This also only seems to be affecting my Redguard paladin, and not any of my other characters.

Does anybody know what causes this, or how to fix it?

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Stu Clarke
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