Anyone know how to get my eyes back? All NPC's have eyes... it is just me without... weird.
Anyone know how to get my eyes back? All NPC's have eyes... it is just me without... weird.
Do you have Dawnguard? Couldn't you just
Press the tilde key ~
player.setnpcweight x
x = your weight. 10 is skinny 50 is medium 100 is maxed out buff.
That's the fix for the vampire eye glitch. But your problem seems... different. Still worth a shot.
LOL, some some stupid reason I did consider the wise cracks that could come from the title.. how inviting.. 8D
Thanks all.. Yes this is on a PC.
Some good options here... I appreciate it. Dont know when it happened, since i seldom look at myself. It is pretty kewl, however.. lol
Edit: player.setnpcweight x failed to do anything.. off to Riften, I guess...
hmm... I even removed all textures ans Meshs from folders... still the same
Loaded up a OLD save from Jan2013... same...
type in
player. say 142b1
your player will speak and open their eyes. common issue since 1.9 came out.
are your eyes closed or gone?
Do you use any mods that allow you to see your character sleep?
Try making a new character to see if it's a "universal" problem.
RW... Gone... I did use a sleep mod a few months back but uninstalled it... "immersive beds"...
Hev... good idea!!!
Hev... New character does not seem to have the issue
Pisto.. Yes.. potions...
did you happen to use an eye mod and you then uninstalled but the game didn't restore vanilla eyes?
I do have 2 eye texture replacements.. I removed them and added them back, both no changes...
I just turned into beast form, and do have wherewolf eyes... No eyes when I return back to normal.
Did some google searching on invisibility eye bugs... ineresting... Thanks Pisto... no solution yet.
That character is just begging to be made a necromage
LOL, Ethetan... I know right...
showracemenu command worked once I went to the "eye" menu and hit [D]one.
THANK YOU ALL for taking the time to assist me!!!