Come on, don't be THAT guy.
Come on, don't be THAT guy.
I can understand why a parent wouldn't want their 5-6 year old to play a game involving death, warfare, monsters, etc.
EDIT* I'm not a parent btw.
Please dont let him become on of those call of duty kids
Reality? That's a good one. Cats and lizards that talk...magic....ME being an excellent archer? Funny stuff. Games are a nice break from reality.
Me. I had probably more than 50 hours on when I first killed one. I've never even killed a rabbit yet, after more than 2,200 hours.
As for letting children play Skyrim, no. I've seen the effects of other games on children: unable to sleep soundly, nervous, aggressive towards each others... It's not the content; there is a big difference between playing a video game and reading or listening to a tale, even a horrific one. In the first ones, you see what's happening; when you listen or read, you have to create the images yourself in your mind and a child is rarely able to make a clear picture of what he's listening.
I dunno, when I was staying with a family, I let their seven-year-old watch me play Skyrim. None worse for the wear, she just seemed mesmerized the entire time, exactly like how she was when she watched me play Pokemon. *shrug*
I think on the whole, a game like Skyrim is MUCH tamer for kids than a game of the same rating, like, say, Persona 3 or Persona 4, which have far more disturbing imagery and a massive dose of psychological themes and horror (a la Lovecraft or Evangelion). Or Amnesia, or any horror game. Cutting down draugr...there's hardly any blood, even. And if you're just using magic, there isn't any blood against any characters. There aren't body parts flying everywhere or organs, they just lie there on the ground, the gore is very understated. The monsters themselves aren't really scary or disturbing unless you have arachnophobia.
I also took a point to explain that I never attack anyone unless they try to hurt me first. I was also playing a straight-good character at the time, pure mage, no theft or murder. So there was that, too.