Which Lighting ModCombination For Realism?

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:26 pm

I am having a hard time trying to pick a lighting mod and I didn't get a reply on nexus ,so hopefully I will get one here.

I basically want a realism lighting mod that enables all shadows [or close to] to be shown indoors + outdoors.

Now I currently have CoT mainly for the weather, however I have also had a look a RoL [I like its indoor shadows], RCRN and ELFX. I also like the idea of RCRN's volumetric fog. I also see that the ENB series has some decent visuals too.

So what is the most realistic of those/combination of those lighting mods? If RCRN is not the most realistic are there any volumetric fog mods out there which look pretty good? I should also say I want dark nights [not unrealistically dark] and dark dungeons].

I also know RoL deals with shadow striping but do the other lighting mods achieve this too?

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Hannah Whitlock
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