[RELz] Riften - Thief Edition

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:37 pm

Riften - Thief Edition
Transforms Riften into a city worthy of the presence of the Thieves Guild!



Beware! "Riften - Thief Edition" transforms Riften into a much denser and much more thiefy place. Gone is the beauty of the surrounding aspen forest. It has been replaced by mud, barrels, crates, wagons, rats, thiefs, ladders and other rather murky and unpleasant things.

I found Riften to be too nice. It was supposed to be corrupted and run by the Thieves Guild and the greedy Black-Briars. This city did not reflect this in the vanilla game. In this mod, however, it does.

This first release includes mostly eye-candy. That means most changes are only visual. However, there are some changes which may affect gameplay, such as: Access to the roof-tops by use of ladders and climbing. There are also valuable items spread out across several locations in the city. If you spend enough time searching, you might sell them and earn a small fortune.
Since I have added many more objects to the city, performance is bound to get worse for some people. But if you are lucky, it won't!

No new dialogue has been included in this version. No new scripts either. And I haven't touched the exterior NavMesh (which may cause some NPCs to bump into things) but this will be corrected in the next release once I have consulted closely with more veteran modders regarding the consequences of such edits!!!


  • A grittier Riften.
  • More NPCs and more small animals in the city (such as rats)
  • New houses
  • Several interesting notes lying around
  • Gameplay on the roof-tops is now possible

Screenshots and Videos








The first version is done. It is mainly eye-candy. Future releases might include more...

Help Request

For futures versions, I might need voice acting-help. I'll let you know if and when that times comes.


Other mods that touch Riften will probably cause issues with this one.


2013-07-27 Initial release


You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums and on SkyrimNexus as 'GrandDukeAdense'
You can send me an email here: adense13@gmail.com


Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.


You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of
this mod.

Cheers, GrandDukeAdense

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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:17 pm

You have perfect timing.

I'm about 5 minutes away from starting a new game with a character who's going to be spending a lot of time in Riften (finally getting around to playing the Thieve's Guild/DB quests), and this sounds like a perfect fix to the thing that's always bothered me most about Riften.

Thank you, I'm off to check it out right now :D

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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:11 am

Looks interesting.

Regarding your navmeshing tribulations: There's a way of having the best of both worlds, in that you can let NPC's know of the objects without actually editing the navmeshes at all

Click on one of the objects in the render window, then while its selected, click the "collision box" button at the top. This will wrap the object in a box primitive. If you don't see it straight away, press the "M" key which should toggle it into view. Press the "2" key which toggles the resize gizmo so you can adjust its size to fit around multiple smaller objects. Once you are happy with it, double click it to open up the edit reference window, navigate to the "primitives" tab, then change its layer to "L_NAVCUT".

As the name suggests, this primitive will now cut out any navmesh its sitting on at runtime

Good luck with the rest of your mod. It sounds like a welcome edition to the game

- Hypno
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