What to do about the weather?

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:21 pm

i'm actually ok w/ vanilla weather except for a couple things. but those things bug me endlessly lol.

weather transitions, especially when entering a new exterior cell, can be very abrupt. "flip a switch" kinda abrupt. i've used mods that make the transition when NOT entering a new cell (just staying in the general area) much better, but i've not found any that made the new cell transitions much better. even Climates of Tamriel has abrupt transitions for new cells.

and skies often abruptly change colors when entering new cell. even if the weather is similar. like going from cloudy cell into another cloudy cell. i can only guess that they are 2 different "cloudy" weather types even tho they look similar. but regardless of being similar, the skies will change noticeably. like going from one cloudy cell, into another, the sky will stay grey but will instantly turn a slightly brighter or darker grey. very jarring.

any mods to help these 2 things? like i stated, i still see these things frequently, even w/ COT. and RCRN also

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Elizabeth Davis
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