OK, I'm trying to use a Dragon Claw keyhole activator to open a regular door it's linked to as a linked ref. (It's one of those hidden rotating doors that looks like a wall, but spins and opens a gate.)
I tried using the applicable bits from the regular pull chain activator script and the regular puzzle door script with no success of course, lol. So I was wondering if you guys could help me clean this up and get it working. All I'm really wanting to do is just use the keyhole the same way you would use a pull chain with the exception you have to have the correct claw to unlock the door. And it would show the "You don't have the right item to open this door" message if they didn't have the claw.
scriptName BalokPuzzleDoorSCRIPT extends ObjectReferenceMiscObject property aaaBalokDunGlassClaw autoMessage property HallofStoriesNoObjMSG autoimport debugimport utilityAuto STATE WaitingEvent OnLoad() ;don't know if I need this but it's in the puzzle script ;teammates shouldn't use this ever Self.SetNoFavorAllowed()EndEventEVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) if (actorRef == game.GetPlayer() if (game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(aaaBalokDunGlassClaw) >= 1 ; PLAY CLAW ANIMATION, SOUNDS AND OPEN THE DOOR what do I need here to activate the linked ref? else HallofStoriesNoObjMSG.show() endifendEVENTendState