CK how to lock windows

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:16 pm

I just started to learn CK. When I use it, all the windows in it(render window, cell view window and object window) can move freely, if I pull one of them, I can move it to every part of my screen(they are not locked in the main CK window). And what frustrates me most is that if I'm working in full screen and wanted to resize CK, when I resize the main window, the others will stay where they are with the same size. Also for example if I double click one of the objects in object window, the setting window will appear behind the render and view cell window. Isn't it supposed to appear at the very front? Lastly, when I tab to Firefox, cell and render window stay on the screen. To see only firefox, I have to minimize CK and then tab to firefox. Basically I want them not to behave like windows, but more like tabs in CK. Is there a way to solve this, or is it the way CK works?

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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:17 am

I think that's how it works,

it is fairly annoying, I hope it can do as you say.

another thing I have a problem with is that when I resize my windows the way i want them, and exit CK for the night or w/e,

open it back up later, they're all moved around. and from what i've read they aren't supposed to do that.

also, you may seriously consider getting the alt window drag tool b/c alot of times you can't see the buttons at the bottom of the ck on alot of resolutions. its a great tool to have anyway

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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:40 am

This is most apparently not what you are looking for, but I prefer to do the following with the Creation Kit:

- First I delete SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini.

- Then I launch the CK so it will start in its default configuration.

- I move the windows into my preferred starting locations, and do any other settings changes I wish to do.

- I exit the CK, and change the now updated SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini into a read-only file.

That way I will at least always have my preferred setup in front of me whenever I launch the CK, regardless of how I have moved the windows around in the previous session.

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