Duplicate properties in Quest Papyrus Fragment

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:35 pm

Hi all. I've inadvertently got duplicate properties in my quest when using the built-in papyrus fragment properties button. I used the Properties button to define a property I called "BloodRockCave". But after doing so, the property didn't show up in the list of properties that is displayed when you click the Properties button. So I tried to define it again with the same result. Now none of my fragments in the quest will compile because the compiler says the script property is already defined. Since these properties don't show up in the properties list that is displayed when you click the Properties button, how can I remove the duplicate? I'm really hoping there's a simple fix for this. Help!!! Please.

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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:44 pm

Go to the scripts tab in your quest, right click the quest script, choose Edit, manually delete the entries, then save/compile the script.
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