"Disc is unreadable"; but it's not

Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:09 am

Since 1.9 I've been getting this message quite a bit. I even bought a new disc, got the same message. Tried the disc in another XBox and it was fine. Usually I get the message when loading.

I have noticed crash frequency has increased exponentially since 1.9; has anyone else had the problem with the disc?

I thought the problem may have been from installing the game on my hard-drive, uninstalled and okay for a while, but still getting message.

Its reaching the point where I can't play the game anymore.

I do not have this problem with -any- other games. Only Skyrim. Never had this message before 1.9

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Isabella X
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:13 pm

The only time I have ever had that error on my Xbox was with Oblivion GOTY edition and it was just because there was a big smudge on the disc, cleaned it and it went away.

Since it worked fine in another Xbox I would think it is your Xbox dying.

But, you say it runs fine with other games so that takes us back to Skyrim.

You said you did not have this problem until 1.9 and you have frequent crashing..

Have you tried cleaning your Xbox system cache? If not try that, if that doesn't work then try uninstalling and reinstalling everything having to do with Skyrim. There may have been some kind of error created during install that is corrupting during load... If that doesn't work, I don't know.

I am not super-techy like some other people on these forums so you may get a better response but everything I just stated above would be what I would do if I knew for sure that it wasn't a problem with my Xbox dying or the disc and from what you explained it doesn't sound like that is the case since other games work and your Skyrim disc works on other systems.

BTW, occasional and even constant crashing is a issue that many of us have suffered since 1.9, it seems like clearing your system cache or game cache on a regular basis seems to help it quite a bit.

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Adrian Powers
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:58 am

Go to an offline profile (so no XBOX live !!!)

You can skip that if you don't have auto-saves !!!

(load your last auto-save and within the game make a manual save. - exit the game to the dashboard)

Clean your cache...

Delete your game.

go to your dashboard, go to settings, console, storage, select your hardrive , select games, find skyrim, (make a backup from your saves) if you have any auto-saves delete those, and leave only the manual save.

Install your game to your hard drive.

Start the game up again.

Wait at least a minute or two at the main menu.

Load you last save...

(And if you have auto-saves on disable all of them and save manually !!!)

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