Okay, so I've run across one of the strangest and most obnoxious glitches I've ever seen. I'm not too worried about getting it resolved, since I'm running about 70 mods and it's obvious that one of them has caused this. I'm posting here because I'd like to see if anyone else has encountered it; to my astonishment, a Google search for my issue returned not one result.
The glitch is this: Skyrim is being lazy when it comes to responding to in-game triggers regarding the player's actions. Things still happen like they should...but about 10-20 seconds after the fact. And when they do, everything that should have happened happens all at once, like the game is delaying trigger responses, letting them build up, and then letting them go all at once. Things that I've found delayed so far:
- Soul traps--the spell works like normal, but when the enemy dies, the soul is not immediately released, making for some rather startling and dramatic events like when 8 spiders give up their souls all at once.
- Floor traps--stepping on the trap does nothing, but then after about 10-20 seconds, the button suddenly drops down and the trap fires like normal. Very creepy.
- Draugr morning calls--walking near draugr crypts or sleeping draugr only triggers the sound of their breathing; they don't actually get up for another 15 seconds, sometimes not at all.
- Event-specific triggers--the issue first appeared at some point while I was in Volskygge, and sadly, persisted even outside on the hilltop. When I approached the Word Wall, the dragon priest did not wake up until about 20 seconds later, when he normally pops right out in response.
- Player staggers--the player viewpoint only shakes about 10 seconds after being hit by a draugr's Shout.
- Some mod-made spells--the effects only occur long after the spell was cast. (I've tested this mod; it is not responsible for the error.)
So, do tell me if you've encountered this before. I'd love to hear about it.