It's the best thing to ever come out of kill cams.
Here here! I especially like the dual wield ones, and the one that happens when the enemy is almost dead and they're "resting" on their knee. The battle axe one is cool too.
You'll love it even more if you use Miraak's sword.
and Dremora Lords.
Some are stupid, some are cool.
The Two-Handed sword ones are probably the worst, the enemy/player just kind of watches their fate for five or so seconds before getting their head lopped off.
The coolest is probably the Greataxe-Hammer one, where the PC/NPC strikes the enemy in the gut with the shaft, knocking the wind out of them, then bring the blade-hammer down on their exposed neck. I see this one a lot when I frenzy the "Bandits disguised as Imperials" event.
I like that one because you see the fear in their eyes.
Really? I get it, but to me it just seems like an embellishment, any person with sense would back up 2 or 3 steps to evade the swing given the ridiculously long windup.
It's not really a decapitation, but how awesome is the Warhammer-Battleaxe kill where you grapple them with the shaft and then issue a full frontal cranial pummel? It seems like Orcs and Nords should be the only ones who can pull that off, it's kind of weird seeing a tiny bosmer girl pull it off.
/\ Oh yes, that one is manly as hell. Bringing the enemy closer with the weapon's handle and skull bashing him to death.
I still like the decapitations from Fallout 3 better .