Are there any known bugs I should be aware of that would occur by not having Hearthfire installed? For example, by having DG installed but not HF there was a bug with the Alchemy Lab in the Breezehome so that even when you purchased it, it would not appear.
Was that bug by any chance fixed with DB or 1.9? Are there anymore I should be aware of?
I will have DG and DB installed as well as 1.9, obviously, but decided that maybe I wouldn't install HF with this reinstall I am about to do because I never plan to build a player home, it always seems to kill my game both physically and mentally (long story), and I have no intention of ever adopting children so I just figured what is the point of even having it....
But if it is going to cause annoying little bugs as a result then I will go ahead and install it.
I don't even know if this is the right forum for this, there is no HF forum