Items I pick up disappearnot in inventory

Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:36 am

I've just noticed a problem today where items I pick up are not appearing in my inventory. Furthermore, if I drop an item that is currently in my inventory and then pick it up, it does not go to my inventory but it does disappear from the ground--effectively ceasing to exist. Has anyone heard of this? I'm guessing this bug will be game breaking if I can't pick up quest items or anything else.

I have cleaned all the main ESMs per BOSS recommendations and any other files that came back as dirty had intentional edits by the mod authors to prevent conflicts so I left them alone. I have some other "mods" such as Skyrim HD and enchanced blood textures but I think they aren't showing up in that list because they're only textures.
***possible Thieves guild/ dark brotherhood questline spoilers***
What's weird is that I can go back to a save where I am level 19 on the quest to kill Mercer in the dwarven ruins and I am able to pick up items and also drop items I already have and pick them back up without any problems (also I was able to at least pick up the skeleton key when looting mercer's body because I have that in my inventory). But on my next save where I am level 20 doing the nightingales quest to return the skeleton key, I first noticed it when picking up Nystrom's Journal, which never showed up in my inventory. I have now finished that quest and left the sepulcher and am still having the problem. I tried dropping my entire inventory of armors and weapons and also books/notes, and when I picked them back up, they didn't not go to my inventory, they simply disappeared.
Between the killing mercer quest and doing the skeleton key return quest, I was sidetracked and started the dark brotherhood chain by killing grelod the kind and also did Blood on the Ice in WIndhelm, as well as fighting my way through the orc keep/dungeon (forgot the name) with Mehrunes Razor shards in the vault. I also began the quest House of Horrors but have not finished it, as well as stealing a horn for a Vex heist quest that I haven't yet turned in, if any of those quests could have caused a problem.

Thanks for your help!

(mods have been BOSS sorted)

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1
Economics of Skyrim.esp=1
Economics of Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp=1
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Weightless).esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Weightless).esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp=1
Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1
Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp=1
The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
ACE BYOG.esp=1
ACE Synergy.esp=1
ABT - Loot Arrows +100%.esp=1
ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.esp=1
ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +100%.esp=1
ABT - Merchants Arrows +100%.esp=1
ABT - Increased Bolts Damage (BS and CCO) +100%.esp=1
ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (BS and CCO) +100%.esp=1
ABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp=1
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp=1
UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp=1
UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp=1
Extended Slider Colors.esp=1
WATER Plants.esp=1
WATER DB Waves.esp=1
SBF Lydia.esp=1
SBF Mjoll.esp=1
SBF Iona.esp=1
SBF Brelyna.esp=1
SBF Jenassa.esp=1
SBF Jordis.esp=1
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victoria gillis
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:55 pm


My congratulations to Headbomb ...

But seriously, you've got a lot of mods there (and some of them are silly).

Personally I would create a new, lean, mean installation - then see if you can get your savegame to run.

But officially this is bad advice; because of all the weird crap probably baked into your save, you should start a fresh game. :shrug:

Probably not what you want to hear - wish I could help more...

Or at least sugar-coat it for ya. :tongue:

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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:43 am

Another mod that may be causing problems for you is the 100XCarryWeight.esp one. Because your issue sounds exactly like what sometimes happens when you force followers to go over their encumbrance limit by telling them to pick up items. It may not be playing well with those inventory sorting mods.

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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:13 pm

Silly mods? : /

I don't understand why my game would function fine up to level 19ish and then by the time I reach 20, this problem manifests. I have also tried disabling better sorting and the weight limit increase mod with no success. This is actually a fresh restart after I deleted some other mods that were causing my old save to CTD without error randomly. This new save has been pretty much rock solid until within the last hour or two of playing somewhere in between the time it took to get from level 19 to 20 and this inventory/item disappearing thing popped up. Other than the better sorting and weight limit mod (which I tried disabling), I can't figure out what other mods--silly or not--could be interfering with picked up items showing up in inventory. I've also tried disabling SkyUI, but that didn't help.

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:23 pm

Was the Skeleton Key actually removed from your inventory when you completed that quest?

Another thing I'd mention - with that many mods, you should probably be using a merged patch or a bashed patch. You used BOSS, right? It should have given you Bash tag suggestions for some of those mods.

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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:35 am

I currently use NMM, but is Wrye Bash a program that is capable of creating a bashed patch? I've never done any merging or bashing so I'd have to read up on it. Is it possible/difficult to switch from using NMM to Wrye Bash as a mod manager? I'm sort of scratching my head trying to imagine why that would fix a problem that didn't exist for 19 levels only to crop up around 20.

Edit: I'll have to double check to see if the Skeleton Key was removed once I get home--at work at the moment.

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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:42 am

Wrye Bash is the only program that can be used to create Bashed patches. It can be used a complete, standalone mod manager, but it does requires some reading to get familiar with its features. It comes with extensive tutorials though, and there are a lot of people on these forums who have used it extensively and are willing to help you if you don't understand some of the features or are having problems getting them to work.

NMM is a decent program, but its only job is make sure that mods you use are properly installed - IOW, that the files included in the mods are placed in the proper folders, and that any configuration options within the mods are properly set up. It does nothing to properly sort those mods, or to make sure that they work well with each other. But it was never designed to do those things, and it would be impossible to make it do those things, since there are so many mods available and so many possible combinations of them. That's where programs such as BOSS, TESEdit and Wrye Bash come in.

As to what happened in your game, something got changed between the time you killed Mercer at Level 19, and the time when you noticed this problem at Level 20, and the leveling may be entirely coincidental and have nothing to do with the glitch. Unfortunately, with the way Skyrim changed the way scripts and other variables get baked into your save files, troubleshooting these kinds of problems, which almost always turn out to be related to mods, is a lot more difficult.

Have you tried reloading a save from when your inventory was working properly, to see if the glitches persist? If that save works, you may have no choice but to use it and give up whatever game hours you put in between that point and now, and hope that the problem doesn't return.

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Fiori Pra
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:41 pm

As for having older saves to reload when my inventory is still working, yes, I have a save from when I was level 19 about halfway through the quest where you're tracking Mercer through the dwarven ruins, and I'm able to drop items and pick them back up like normal. I'm assuming the problem couldn't have began until AT LEAST after grabbing the skeleton key off Mercer's body, since I did have it (was able to use it to pick locks and complete the key returning quest in the sepulcher), but between killing mercer and when I started the sepulcher quest I honestly hadn't been paying attention to my inventory to narrow down exactly when it started. I honestly don't mind going back to that one and losing a few hours but I'm just worried that if I don't figure out why it messed up in the first, it may just happen again.

I'm wondering if I should try going back to my working level 19 save, leaving the ruin, dumping everything I'm carrying into my house or selling what I've been pack-ratting, and then continue as before but keeping a close eye on everything I loot so that if It happens again, hopefully I can catch exactly where things stop showing up properly. The only other thing I could imagine is some problem with having a really high weight of items in your inventory, which IIRC was around 9,500 on my working level 19 save and a little over 10,000 around the time I actually noticed I couldn't pick anything up. (don't judge me :confused: ) The first time I definitely noticed it was trying to loot Nystrom's body for his journal and such, which did not show up in my inventory.

At any rate, thank you for your advice and willingness to try and assist. I'll probably try going back to the level 19 save and if that fails to correct the course, I may end up back here with questions about Wrye Bash, as I really have no idea what else could be going wrong. : o

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carley moss
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:39 am

With some selective mod loading/disabling, I think I've narrowed it down to what is causing it. It must be something to do with Economics of Skyrim.esp=1 and Economics of Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp=1. If I load my save with ONLY the official ESMs plus those two mods, the problem still exists. If I load every one of my mods as normal EXCEPT those two mods, everything is fine. I wish I was more knowledgable about scripting and the creation kit to be able to investigate the mod and see why it's causing this.

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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:37 am

I've never used those mods, so I don't think I'll be of much help. However, it may be possible to use Wrye Bash to create a patch that will resolve the conflict between them and whatever other mod is causing the conflict. If that doesn't work, your only other option will be to try and find which other mod is conflicting with them, and then decide which one you're willing to delete.

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Ashley Campos
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:56 pm

I think I can just do without Economics of Skyrim. I don't think it's maintained any longer as it wasn't on the Nexus anymore, I had to really go looking for it.

Is there any way to mark this as fixed/resolved? :s

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