Hi. I was playing Skyrim , I saved my game and on the other day I launched Skyrim and loaded that save , but it seems that it was bugged : I can't move, can't use weapons or jump, can't open inventory,magic spells, can't shout,the "F" key doesn't work , also "TAB" does not work. I've tried some console stuff like "getquestcompleted " or "coc riverwood" but it won't help,my character does not move . I can only open console and menu (with ESC) other keys just don't work. , I can look around with mouse, but can't use attack . I'm pretty sure that the save game is bugged cause I've started a new game and it worked just fine . also reloaded my older save files and they worked too . I reinstalled skyrim but it won't help.
P.S. I was completing quests of Dawnguard DLC .