Perk Issue - Mod Spell Magnitude

Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:36 am

I have a weird issue with my Mod, and I *think* it is two-fold, base do past experience...

Part-way through my Mod, the Player is temporarily made god-like-- every hit is instant death, every spell has immense power; this is done using a Perk that uses a Combination of Calculate Weapon Damage and Mod Spell Magnitude, multiplying them by 10,000.

Issue One - Mod Spell Magnitude is affecting Abilities. This seems to make sense, but whenever I've used it before, it has never done that... So, is my CK suddenly working "correctly" in this regard?

Issue Two, the Major One - the effect of Mod Spell Magnitude, and ONLY MSM, is lingering even after the Perk is removed; Weapon Damage goes back to normal, but any and all spells added or used after the Perk is added retain the benefits of MSM... Which obviously should not be happening.

Does anyone have any insight or ideas about what is happening here, and how to safely deal with it? My first thought was to use another perk, with minus-the-same-amount, but I can foresee that causing issues if the glitch itself does not trigger, or fixes itself after a while...

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Rich O'Brien
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