I like to kill Miraak first, because it feels more epic killing Alduin with dragon aspect and such. And it doesn't feel right killing him to me when you aren't yet the last dragonborn. You are still, because you kill him and become the last one, but you know. I like the prophecy to be completely right. It just feels better killing Miraak first for me.
I like to defeat Alduin first. His threat is more imminent. Take care of business before blotching out the stain on history that is Miraak.
I made a discovery... You can re-enter Waking Dreams at any time to reach the Dragon Aspect word wall in that corner of Apocrypha, even if you haven't acquired all of Bend Will. Sahrotaar just doesn't appear at the end, and you exit via the book in your inventory.
Yes, this is true, but I just like to finish either one or the other instead of stopping one mission to do some of the other. I'm only like that with the MQ and dlc.
He was either a coward or too indoctrinated into the Dragon religion to face off against Alduin which brings me to another of my theories....
Whether he was actually the FIRST Dragonborn or not is open to debate but I believe the title refers to the task he was given which was to defeat Alduin, a task he rejected.
The LAST DRAGONBORN has to complete the task he rejected hence the title. With that task noiw completed the Dragonborn title can nw be retired.
Killing Miraak first is funnier cause Miraak will be all like "You're a newbie! You pathetic noob! etc"
Yup, and it seems badass to me that the two dragonborns kinda fight eachother before taking Alduin down. Its like when the redguards fought eachother first to see who would lead the charge against the left handed elves. Bad ass. Although I don't know if Miraak would stop Alduin if he won, but if he wants to live he would.
Thats exactly what I said when that happened. I used to play a lot of halo, lol.
I prefer to rub his failure in his face.
I have all the time, which is why I stopped using anything but single shot weapons or explosives. When I still played.
K, sorry for the off topicness.
Well. I personally never found any extremely young kids on Halo. Youngest I've found being 12 so... Ye'h... CoD on the other hand, by the Nine Divines! And I only played CoD once online... And it wasn't mine, I was at a friends place.
And ye'h. Off-topic crap. Sorry.