I plan on doing an alt save to just build all three lots for achievements (and for a ingame view of the various options)
But thinking of a nice place to just use as a base camp/home
Right now I'm thinking definately not lakeview (just doesn't suit me even if it is the easiest to get... plus so many visitors)
Windstand and the hard to spell one(with the grain mill) seem more for my liking. With the snow one being prefered.
I do know all the towers are out of the guestion.
Part of me is looking at : kitchen, greenhouse, storage (for the balcony)
But the idea of the trophy room (see what mom/dad killed!) suits me too.
The armory/storage/bedrooms is a nice idea... but I'd lose out on some of the baking recipies (not a big loss, may mod the recipies into the standard cook menu or find one). The greenhouse is nice, but can always gather/buy ingredients instead (and can't plant all the ones I'd like to use )
So what seems to be the recomended build for a single homestead? (plan to buy/gather all the mats as I level up so when I build it, I'm set... along with all the gifts for the kids)