Hey all. Was wondering if the permadeath crew here could judge a situation I died in and tell me if y'all agree this constitutes a game glitch. In Pinewatch, Naiawa the Seeker was carefully creeping next to the spike pit, eyes on those spikes, and his steel boot must've gotten too close (?) to the flat side of a metal spike, because suddenly, all his health drains, and he goes flying dead to the ground. I was so shocked at what happened I reloaded to check that I didn't miss anything (other traps, etc.). TBH I am not sure the graphic of my steel boot even -touched- the side of the spike (was in third person at the time). Am very frustrated because even if my boot touched the side...which I don't think it did...it kind of kills the immersion factor for steel plate boots to touch flat metal and cause instadeath.
I will abide by your ruling : )