I recently got back into skyrim and I wanted to start a new character on the Legendary Difficuly Setting.
With this in mind, i know it will be difficult, if at all possible, yet i love the challenge.
For now im planning on my skills and perks but i have some questions to the Skyrim OG's;
Is the "Block" skill and perks' viable on Legendary difficulty?
Is the breton race the only viable Race, due to the natural resistance they get to magic?
Is Archery, Destruction, 1Handed, AND block too many combat skills to focus on?
I've been surfing the web and mostly see people that play from level 1 on this difficulty
Primarily specialize in either Archery and Sneak for the easy mode or Destruction-Dualcasting easy mode. Stagger effects help yes i know that, but if the enemy has no chance what so ever it's not fun to me.
These being the easiest faceroll classes in this game im trying to stick away from them.
Im still undecided on my race, but Dunmer is my favorite.
Please serious people only no frost troll's