Necromage buffs Elemental Fury? Whaaaa?

Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:04 am

I've seen a couple places on the interwebs that say (as if obvious) that the perk Necromage increases the attack speed and duration of the Elemental Fury shout. And for that matter, effects a whole other bunch of things like boosting Fists of Steel ( ). I also read that the Stability perk increases the duration of Slow Time? I've never seen anything official, much less in the game, that says this. Is it right?

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:46 am

Necromage boosts everything, as long as you don't have the unofficial patch.

Worn enchantments, spell durations, some shouts, some perks, potions, most anything the game considers a spell cast on the player.

It's my favorite playstyle, you're a real glass cannon if first thing you do is get restoration to seventy + no regenerating stats in daylight.

I dont know about stability but I do know aspect of terror in the illusion tree boosts fire spell damage for some reason.

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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:11 pm

I can't find any of that on the uesp. If its on the Wiki, I don't trust it.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:56 am

Oh OK so it's a bug, not a feature hehe. And I have the Unofficial Patch, which I'll probably keep eventhough Necromage is apparently a win-button without it. :)

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:42 am

No, it is a feature and it is mentioned on the

Necromage is a perk that boosts all spells affecting the undead. A player vampire is classed as undead.

So most everything the game considers a spell cast on the player gets a 25% boost in magnitude or duration.

And it is by no means a 'win'button. As I mentioned, getting your restoration up to 70 early in the game coupled with no regenerating stats in sunlight poses serious challenges and any direct melee contact is to be avoided at all cost.

If you're unlucky enough to face Forsworn in daylight while low on magic, you better hope you haven't exhausted your stamina yet, cause, run.

It's the only way I play Skyrim these days. I play on xbox and can't just mod things in like no regenerating stats or harder enemies. I also really enjoy the whole glass cannon playstyle, because perked up there is barely an enemy in the game my illusion won't affect.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:39 am

We aren't sure if it's a feature or a bug. The guys that make the UP seem to think it's a bug, but it IS working as advertised. So I personally don't think it's a bug, per se.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:17 pm

Well, I'm pretty sure it's not an intended feature for it to affect so much. And the page you link to does describe it as an "issue" that is resolved by the USP.
But I get your point about it also having drawbacks to the player.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:25 am

It's working exactly as advertised and if it were a bug you would expect it to bug out across the board instead of only affecting specific things like a handful of perks, but most of them not.

In any case, your username indicates you enjoy the vampire necromage thing.

What's your favorite build?

I enjoy playing Altmer and have so since Daggerfall and for Skyrim specifically I put only five level-ups in health and stamina respectively and all the rest in magic.

Usually I play variations of sneak-archers and sneak-illusionists because I must say this is the first TES game where sneaking around and sniping is incredibly fun.

I tend to get the Dragonborn effect Seeker of Sorcery early because I like the 10% cost reduction.

I don't tend to use magic cost reduction enchantments at all and usually stick to found enchantments. Lucky is the playthrough where I find a decent amulet that protects against fire early on.

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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:41 am

Well, in Skyrim you do have the freedom to create a character as strong or weak as you want, through application or lack of perks, enchantments, twiddling difficulty etc.

A necromage also gets a boost to all negative effects by the way. So that 50% weakness to fire of a normal vampire stage two becomes 62.5%

This also counts for the reduction of health and stamina in daylight so since I only have 150 stamina and health maximum at any time, as a full vampire in daylight those will be 85.

But I am a powerhouse of magic in return for that physical weakness.

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