I think Bethesda will surprise us!
After two years, I still devote 20+ hours to it!

Dont get your hopes up. I dont think they will do anything,And neither do i think there will be more patches.
I dont believe that at all. Anyway, 11-11-13 my xbox will be up on ebay, craigslist or donated to someone because I will be making room for my Xbox One which (supposedly) will be released on 11-29-13.
Patches don't work that way. The next would be 1.10.
That's not how version numbers work.
The most recent (and in all likelihood final) version of the Skyrim PC executable is a series of numbers: There was another v1.9 before that, a beta version, which was Those are not decimal numbers in the least.
sorry, but Shadow is correct.
version numbers don't work the same as decimal numbers
2.0 would be a completely new product, a "version 2" to be exact.
and when it comes to patches to a game, "1.10" or 1.9b", always follows 1.9
Exactly. They are just there to show subsidiaries of the given version. The same as ( - )'s or ( / )'s.
Look at dates. They can be displayed as 11-11-11 or 11/11/11 or 11.11.11. It's the same thing.
ok but that doesn′t mean that the game doesn′t has a few bugs or glitches to deal with although im happy that im on PC and we have or own version of the Bug Fix maybe Bethesda could pay arthmoor and use the patches in consoles
If you really really want some more DLC, buy the pc version. DLC for life... well kinda lol.
Would be nice if they fixed the lip sync glitch and added some cool minor features.
Not that I expect that to happen of course.
lmfao people are still holding their breath for a new patch? its done.
Yes, now that we have the Patch Numbering Sequence figured out, then we can close this thread. As Bethesda is done patching this game, the discussion on what the patch number would be is moot.