Bethesda is known for listening to the community *cough cough cough* lol
Bethesda is known for listening to the community *cough cough cough* lol
I suddenly feel the urge to do this to my new character..I'm not sure how much I want to suffer though he is brand new
They do listen a little though, other wise there wouldn't have been a perk reset, legendary difficulty etc...etc... ( just in case you where being silly^^)
Tis hard first starting off, you will find yourself running from fights more then anything else. But it's most certainly doable, more so if you don't play DiD.
Oh I meant that honestly, I thought it was amazing that we could reset perks and go into legendary mode. Bethesda got our money, so I always give game developers props when they go the extra step like that and keep their customers happily entertain.
I think Legendary difficulty would be the ultimate RPG for this game though. Let's be honest, if you saw a dragon and you had on some crap armor you found off a dead bandit..would you really take it on? I bet the difficulty gives you the best "oh effff this" moments and stops you from spamming a single attack through a dungeon.
Ok now it's on... I'm doing this But I'm sure I'll need a new character .....
Edit -
Play DiD if you desire to make characters for the next fortnight
Indeed, you do end up with a butt load of " Oh, crap " moments I'm currently playing a DiD character on legendary, tis a very nice challenge. He's made it to Lv. 10 with about 50 hours clocked, believe me he runs from more fights then he can count
Have had more close calls then I can count too, wolves scare the buggers out of him let alone a dragon
Lucky for him though I'm not brave enough to venture into Bleakfalls just quite yet, so no dragons, yet
DiD legendary is doable. I recommend lord's stone and agent of mara as soon as you can get them, just in case you have to battle a dragon. I'm not a huge fan of using/perking alteration because it bloats your character level without actually making you all that much stronger(I have an orc who is enchanted to MR cap with 0 alteration skills an no racial bonus to resistance). An alternative strategy is to make a caster type and use atronach to go for max absorb(taking 0 damage is the best case scenario obviously).
To me legendary adds realism on one end and progression on the other. You start out weak as hell and if you want to be respectable against the toughest enemies you better design your character accordingly. Also, a dragon munching on you will kill you pretty quickly, just like getting hit in the dome with a warhammer(this seems logical, right?)
Ok my question is what build should I do this on? I'm thinking tank/paladin...probably my single best shot. I'll have to go to optimization to make this happen so I'm thinking:
Race - Nord (frost resistance for all the dragur) and get the Atronach Stone
Skills: Resto, Block, one hand, heavy armor, smithing, enchanting
Probably go with a Mace and just buff the crap out of my restoration tree. Thoughts??
That should current legendary is a heavy armor 2h warrior. One thing I would recommend is being extremely careful when in melee range against bandit chiefs with 2 handed weapons or dragons until you are really strong(by really strong I mean more than 350 armor and probably at least 1 health enchant), or you can actually be kill cam'd from 100% health(depending on the dragon/chief). I would personally try to go with magic resist rather than absorb in your situation, because a non absorbed fire spell will probably kill you instantly(from a dragon)
No alchemy? Kinda useful (even if you don't want to exploit anything): fortify one-handed, fortify heavy armor, fortify block, fortify restoration (which ironically makes the Poison Rune from Dragonborn that much more lethal), fortify enchant, etc.
Maybe some Sneak as well? You don't have to put perks into it, but it helps to practice so you get good at sneak attacks....
good points, what about archery? Weaken them from a distance and close in for the kill? Or not worth the effort?
Edit - Anyone doing a full mage in legendary? What's your build and how is it going? I've seen bits and pieces that the Alteration tree with the skin spells max out your armor faster and you spend less t/e getting maxed. Also you'd be ranged and avoiding those two handed bosses.
I don't really mess around with the magic system too much, never really made a " mage " character but I have made plenty of " warrior " builds. A tank will have the best chances of surviving and it's good to start with it if you're new to DiD, but really any warrior build will do, be it an assassin type, a 2 handed type or sword and board type. It's all in how you play, if you are the type of player that tends to run head first into things then you will need to adjust that play style so that you do stop and think things through. But if you are the type of player that really thinks before they act then you could wait too long and miss your chance to land a killing blow or take to long and end up dead in the process of figuring out the situation.
I can't really explain it but you need to find a middle ground, where in you do stop and think things through but you as well follow your gut and simply act. There will be times where all you can do is react and you have to think on your feet, but there will as well be times where you have time to draw up a ball plan and execute it. IMO it has more to do with how well you can handle a stressful situation, weather or not you are good under pressure and make the right " fight or flight " decision. And if you do happen to make the wrong choice then you learn from it for the next DiD character.
I can't really explain it well in words, it's something you need to experience. It's like playing a first person shooter on-line, you choose when it's safe to poke your head out and it's a 50/50 chance that you will end up with a hole in yer head or make it. It's something that you need to figure out more then get advice. All I can say is judge the situation as best you can, if you feel there's no winning then fall back you can always return when you feel you are ready BUT if your gut tells you that you can win then follow your gut, in my personal experience your gut is right 60% of the time