I'm needing a good name for a new Nord ruin I'm adding to Helgen Reborn, and really struggling with a good name. If that is a terrible name, do you guys have any ideas for a good name? The story on the dungeon will basically be that the main entrance has been sealed for centuries. But some archieologist types were trying to dig to a cave that they heard led inside. In doing so they woke up the evil that lies within, the main entrance is no longer sealed, but has a magical barrier preventing entry, but you can get in from the caves. So, having nothing better to do, the Dragonborn gets to scope it out. It's actually very unique feeling and is massive. One level is a lot of your typical nord ruin fare, but it's really destroyed. The other level is actually a new worldspace, a massive cavern, temple and huge open area where the final boss fight will take place.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xibalba: roughly translated as "place of fear" (from Wikipedia) I don't believe I ever heard of it before Falling Skies last Sunday. It also says, "Xibalba is described in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popol_Vuh as a court below the surface of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth associated with death and with twelve gods or powerful rulers known as the Lords of Xibalba."
Cool stuff and it sort of fits my ruin.