I am interested in fixing the gameplay in skyrim.
When I level up the opponents become lethargic some of them even start running away.
I would like to stop the game from leveling up and optimize it for combat gameplay.
The arrow travels about a fast as opponents run so I can only shoot opponents who are standing still or running strait at me.
I would like to increase the speed the arrow travels so I can hit opponents on the run.
I have the mobility of a stone crab. Most opponents run circles around me greatly reducing the quality of melee combat.
I would like to increase player mobility so I have more options in melee combat. All I can do now is swing the weapon.
If I could stop the player from leveling up and set a static amount of health, stamina, weapon damage, armor etc.. I could perfect the gameplay.
This would also help to level the game play. When I level up the opponents in the game almost disappear. The last time I reached higher levels I spent several days in the game without finding any really good combat.
For example if I could replace all the bandits in the game with Marauders or the falmer with warmongers or the dragons with legendary dragons the game could produce quality gameplay even at higher levels.
Yes I have played on legendary.
I looked over the creation kit and have not found anything that can help in this regard. Can someone point me in the right direction?