New to CK - Questions in Bulk

Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:48 am

I am quite new to modding, so many of the following questions might sound stupid, and I might use improper terminology. I've been able to troubleshoot many of the issues myself, but since I cannot create scripts from ground-up and am fairly new to modding, for these issues, I've used guides and tutorials, and even tried Googling for answers, but I have had no luck.

Anyway, I am currently having four problems of varying topics, and one question:

First off, in the mod I'd like to create, I would like to create a piece of headgear that would grant the person who equips it a Power; specifically, a modified Night Eye power (to prevent Khajiits who wear this item from losing their own Night Eye power). The Power itself works how it should while in-game, but I do not get it when I equip the item. I followed a tutorial (whose link I tried to post, but it seems I do not have the permissions), along with some others, to create this script, but it doesn't work. Here is what my script looks like, with appropriately defined Properties:

ScriptName BjoltAutomatedVision extends ObjectReference  {OnEquip adds a power}Spell Property Vision autoActor Property PlayerREF autoEvent OnEquipped(Actor akActor)   If akActor == playerref      playerref.AddSpell(Vision, true)   EndIfEndEvent Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)   If akActor == playerref      playerref.RemoveSpell(Vision)   EndIfEndEvent

Secondly, I am trying to make some Gauntlets that will grant a power similar to the Quick Shot perk. So far, they work successfully when I do not have the Quick Shot perk, the Quick shot perk works without the gauntlets on, but they do not work together. Like other Magic Effects, I assumed they'd stack; that is, having two 30%s would add to 60% just how for 25% Magicka Reductions add up to 100% reduction. However, this is not true, or at least it seems. I then tried to make Conditions on the two (the Perk and my new Enchantment):

For the Perk, I made it so, if the Player does not have the Gauntlets equipped, (but has the perk, obviously), the bow weapon speed will be 1.30 in magnitude, but when they have the Gauntlets equipped, it will be 1.60. For the Enchantment, I did something similar; if the Player does not have the Perk and equips the Gauntlets, the bow weapon speed will be 1.300, but when they have the perk and the gauntlets equipped, it will be 1.60.

This, however, also did not work.

Third, a somewhat general question, is that, for my Quest, my Objective Markers do not show up along with the Journal Entries (the Objectives do show up, though), and the items that are supposed to be in chests based on the Aliases do not appear. For the quest I am making, for MOST objectives, I'd like there to be no Objective Marker until you step inside the dungeon/place where the item you need to find is located; but for all others, I'd like one. The quest can be completed from start to end, however, if I SetStage manually using the Console. I am not quite sure what to post here, so if you need additional information, just say so.

Fourth, since I do not want to voice dialogue for my Quest, I'd like it so that an NPC gives you a book, which you then have to read to progress. This is my current script, made with the help of the Creation Kit wiki; in this state, I must drop the book and read it while it is in the World for it to progress:

Scriptname BjoltBookRead extends ObjectReference  Quest Property Bjolt01  Auto  Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionref)   Bjolt01.SetStage(20)   Bjolt01.SetObjectivedisplayed(20)   Bjolt01.SetObjectivecompleted(10)endEvent

Lastly, the question. I'd like to make a Crossbow that does one of the following:

  • Rather than shooting a bolt (but still using ammo), the crossbow shoots a scaled (to Archery) Chain Lightning spell that, if possible, also receives Sneak attack damage
  • After the bolt comes into contact with someone/anything, it activates (or has a chance to activate) a Chain Lightning spell, preferably one that is scaled (to Archery)

While trying to figure out how to make this possible, I ran into RemoteCast, which I think might be of use, though I do not know how to implement it. So here is the question:

Would it be possible to do any of this, and if so, how?

Other than this, I have everything else done, from the texturing to the other enchantments to the book to the load screen. I'd appreciate any help and/or advice, and if it would be easier to chat in real time, we can talk via Steam.

I also have posted some screenshots of the armor and crossbow; input would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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