Mage armour, skill levels and annoying glitches

Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:52 pm

Hello community. I have 2 questions and 1 piece of advice. Question 1: Does wearing armour effect your spell casting efficiency as it did in Oblivion or does it make no difference? Question 2: Does levelling up skills without spending perk points make that skill better (e.g. If I enchant enough items to get my skill to 100 but don't spend any perk points in Enchanting will the items I enchant be any better than they were with Enchanting at level 15)? And a piece of advice to anyone having problems with glitches like creatures and items bouncing around the world really quickly. I suffered with this bug for a long time and only recently found the answer on a forum. Apparently the fps rate of your computer must be 59 fps or less. This can be done by downloading Nvidia Inspector and reducing frame rate to 59 fps. This has completely solved the problem for me (just wish I'd known this a year ago)! Thanks S. Jones

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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:58 am

Q1) Wearing armour doesnt effect the ability of spellcasting in skyrim, unless you have enchants to increase the power or decrease the cost of spells.

Q2) When leveling up skills you generally get some kind of advantage, like with spells there is a slight decrease in spell cost (but not spell power...) or with weapons they become slightly more powerful. This is even the case when not using perks to supplement the effects. So when enchanting a piece of armour using a grand soul gem at enchanting level 15 it would probably give a 2% spell reduction cost, opposed with a 10% (or something, i have always got the perks) at enchanting level 100.

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Red Bevinz
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:28 pm

1. No, Armor no longer affects Spellcasters.

2. The Perks affect the power of the Enchantment created on an item.

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