Hello everyone,
I was wondering whether enemies can also attack from the bleedout state? I recall that they limp away, but do some of them attack as well? Or are they unable to do this while in bleedout?
Hello everyone,
I was wondering whether enemies can also attack from the bleedout state? I recall that they limp away, but do some of them attack as well? Or are they unable to do this while in bleedout?
I've never seen an attacker do anything during bleedout, but with the http://www.creationkit.com/OnEnterBleedout_-_Actor, you can manipulate them while they are in this state.
i just can tell you from a player view that i've never seen them do so.
i've seen draugr deathlords kneel and medidate under even heaviest fire, but none getting up or anything else before back on hp, not even if you walk over and slap them in the face, so i guess they just can't.
edit: ninja'd
Actors cannot attack while in the 'bleedout' state.
Alright, thanks for the information! And I might try fiddling around with the Event OnBleedOutEnter.