Hello !
I was wondering if anybody has had any luck using the GetINIInt, GetINIFloat etc functions from SKSE?
I've been trying to use them for a music related mod. But it seems I can't get any data from the ini file
Scriptname RenzMusicControlScript extends Quest Float Val2Event OnInit() RegisterForKey(74) ;minus key RegisterForKey(78) ;plus key Val2 = Utility.GetINIFloat("fVal3:AudioMenu")EndEventEvent OnKeyDown(int KeyCode) if Keycode == 74 Debug.Notification("volume down") MUS.SetVolume(0.1) endif if Keycode == 78 Debug.Notification("collected" + Val2 ) endifEndEventSoundCategory Property MUS Auto
Alternatively does anybody know a function to get the current music volume in the game without getting it fromt he ini file?