Female Khajiit Custom Follower?

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:06 am

For the first time ever, I've decided to try my hand at Skyrim modding. For now the only thing I want is to have are two of my Skyrim player characters as followers for a third, essentially creating an adventuring party. I successfully put my Redguard into the game and got her to follow me, but I'm having one very frustrating issue with my female Khajiit.

No matter what I've tried, no matter what voice I choose, she refuses to have a conversation with me. All she does is say things like "Can I help you?" or "Hmm?" or other generic dialogue you'd get from an NPC you can't converse with. Is it something to do with her race? That's the only thing I can think it would be, as there are no female Khajiit followers.

I've googled, I've watched videos, and it's almost 8 am now and I've seen no success. I'm getting pretty desperate at this point. I apologize if my question has an obvious answer that I've just not been able to find, but even searching this forum didn't seem to turn up anything helpful.

Is there anyone that can help me find a solution?

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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:08 pm

You may be out of luck. I don't believe there are any recorded dialogue lines for female khajiit followers. Can't open the CK right now to confirm though. There should be a formlist that contains all of the voices though. Search for something called FollowerVoices or something similar.

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JD bernal
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:29 pm

Yeh, you might have to compromise and give her one of the other female voice sets

- Hypno
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:57 am

No, guys, I know I have to give her a different voice set. That's what I've been doing, and it has yet to work. No matter what voice I try I can't get a conversation out of her.

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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:17 am

Maybe you should consider checking out http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36913/?. I haven't checked it out myself, though.

Anyway, are you certain you have everything like the factions and such set up correctly? You might want to double check those areas. I'm not certain, but I think if she belongs to the CurrentFollowerFaction and PotentialFollowerFaction, she won't be available as a follower without a sufficiently high RelationshipRank between you and her (probably needs to be set to "4"). Those two follower factions are meant to be used for characters that become your friend through a favor quest for them (like J'Zargo, for instance). I'm not sure how exactly it works, though, since I haven't done anything in the way of custom followers.

I'm also not certain all follower-capable voice types work with all types of follower factions, either. I think not all merchant-capable voice types work for all merchant types, like I don't think you can use the MaleArgonian voice type for a blacksmith, for instance, becasue male Argonians lack the lines needed to sell blacksmith-related items.

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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:18 pm

I'll check out that mod, then, and hope it helps in some way.

I've double-checked, and I'll check again, but she's in the right factions (PotentialFollowerFaction (0) and CurrentFollowerFaction (-1)), and her relationship to the player is "Ally." I was following a tutorial to make her, and I don't remember any of the other tutorials mentioning any steps beyond that as far as factions and the like go.

EDIT: Just checked, and the relationship I'd created between the character and player was gone. I have no idea why. Going to test and see if that changed anything, then update this post.

EDITEDIT: Okay, she's working... sort of. She'll talk to me, I can ask her to follow me, but she keeps saying "Not now." Which... is an entirely different issue but strangely in-character. False alarm! It's because I already have a follower and haven't installed a "multiple followers" mod. Everything should be working fine now!

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Maria Leon
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:55 pm

Good that you got it working. :tops:

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