For the first time ever, I've decided to try my hand at Skyrim modding. For now the only thing I want is to have are two of my Skyrim player characters as followers for a third, essentially creating an adventuring party. I successfully put my Redguard into the game and got her to follow me, but I'm having one very frustrating issue with my female Khajiit.
No matter what I've tried, no matter what voice I choose, she refuses to have a conversation with me. All she does is say things like "Can I help you?" or "Hmm?" or other generic dialogue you'd get from an NPC you can't converse with. Is it something to do with her race? That's the only thing I can think it would be, as there are no female Khajiit followers.
I've googled, I've watched videos, and it's almost 8 am now and I've seen no success. I'm getting pretty desperate at this point. I apologize if my question has an obvious answer that I've just not been able to find, but even searching this forum didn't seem to turn up anything helpful.
Is there anyone that can help me find a solution?