I have a very simple question. How can I modify my character in the CK???? I would like to simply modify the movement speed of my character and possibly stamina and health. Can someone please help?
I have a very simple question. How can I modify my character in the CK???? I would like to simply modify the movement speed of my character and possibly stamina and health. Can someone please help?
No need to create two topics: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1468516-can-someone-please-help/
The player uses the same movement types the other npc use. In the CK, these files are in Character/Movement Type. To modify the stamina, health, you'll have to change the races; these changes will apply to everyone. Unless someone knows better of course; I've only modify certain movement speed in my game.
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately the only thing I can find under Character is Movement Noise. I click Character then Actor values on the drop down menu. The only thing I can find is Movement Noise. I have worked in this modifying perks but I can not apply any of the Actor values to my character. I would like to know how to do that but even if I could there is no movement type there. Thanks again for your reply. Can you offer any further assistance??
I really need to be able to adjust the movement speed of my character in order to proceed with my mod.
Character/Movement type, in the left column of the object window.
I am talking about the movement speed of the player. How do I get the player in the object window???
Thank You
You can modify movements speed (in the movement types records) for everyone; you can't modify it for the player only.
Are you telling me you there is no code that will allow me to modify the players movement speed in the game?? There has to be. The game modifies the players movement speed ( block runner, Able to move faster with bow drawn ) etc.
You can also modify the movement speed for individual opponents when you select them in the environment.
Is there no one else who wants to be able to modify the players movement speed? So much of the gameplay is effected by the mobility of the player especially in close quarters melee combat.
My Mod is a Gameplay Mod
Please help!!
Perhaps the movement speed could be changed by adding a custom perk?
Interesting I will look into that. Do you have any ideas on how do go about it.
A good beginning would be learning to use the Creation Kit: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials
I have been looking over the tutorial for days and have not found anything to address this issue. The issue of player movement speed. If there is a section of the tutorial that addresses this issue please direct me to it. I have fully modified my perk tree and know how to modify existing perks I do not know how to create a custom perk that will increase player movement speed. Nor can I find a tutorial on how to do that.
I have been searching for days and I will continue to learn more about the CK however I need to address this issue before and can proceed with my mod.
If anyone can direct me to a tutorial on how do modify player movement speed weather it be code or constructing a new custom perk it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Is there a code that may allow the player to have the movement speed of a werewolf in human form. I am researching the possibility of a custom perk but so far I have found nothing that will increase player movement.
I am very frustrated because I know how to do every thing else I need to do for my gameplay mod exempt increase player movement.
Please help
You could probably just try to find an event to stick the following into:
Game.GetPlayer().ModAV("SpeedMult", fMagnitude)
Replace fMagnitude with or assign fMagnitude the value you want (100.0 is the default value of SpeedMult).
You could create an ability (spell) with a magic effect that has the Script archetype, which would allow you to use the OnEffectStart and OnEffectFinish events to increase and decrease movement speed. The ability can then be given to the player as such or via a perk that adds abilities.
I will look into that. Would it allow the player to have a permanent movement speed increase or would it need to be cast like a spell?
Thank you I think this will be a great help.