Your first Experience playing Skyrim?

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:53 am

First let me apologise if this as been asked countless times before.

I'm asking though cause i recently just got back from visiting my lil bro who started playing Skyrim for the first time tonight, I only lent him the original so he will have to get the legendary or buy the dlc from the 360 marketplace but when i was sitting their telling him what does what an how to fast travel an what certain things do but not telling him where to go mission wise or what to do.

It felt new again watching him play an spending a few minutes choosing what to perk up where as me playing Skyrim i already know where the perks are going before i even level up because it just dont feel like the first time any more.

So how much has as Skyrim changed for you from the first time running towards the Helgen tower to now.

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Penny Flame
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:18 am

I'll admit, I was a casual. I had no idea what the hell TES was (I mainly played Call of Duty :blush: ). I got it because of the hype. Once I left Helgen, I had no idea what to do. Ralof told me we should go seperate ways so I did. Ended up somwhere in Falkreath Hold. I was so confused.

I don't think I've ever loved a game as much I love Skyrim and all of its lore.

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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:23 pm

I can't remember being that blown away, not like I was when I started playing gta 3 for the first time, or gta SA or red dead redemption or fallout 3.

Thing is I was already blown away by the screenshots of the character models, I hated oblivion so much, then I saw the skyrim screenshots and I was blown away, and also relieved, like here is the game I wanted when I got oblivion. When I started playing I kind of just eased into it like a nice hot bath and my appreciation grew and grew to outdo all the aforementioned games, but it didn't impact me initially in the way they did. Especially gta 3, my god.

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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:50 am

A LOT, at my first playthrough (even though it was magical) i had no freaking clue what i was doing or where i needed to go. i wasnt even a fan of Skyrim or TES in general, i mainly just saw it installed on my PC and decided to give it a try because of all the hype it got. after i started it i went with the dark elf because they looked evil or something, anyway after that I just ran into cities and killed random NPC's for some weird reason. anyone who i didnt like i would just kill then loot them and wear their gear. that was pretty much my way of playing the game. i had to spend a few hours killing thalmor and hold guards to find out that i needed to go to dragonsreach to talk to the jarl, from that point forward i started getting more serious about playing it. Now you may ask why the hell i handled the game in such a [censored] way. well.. when i first played skyrim i was high on painkillers. so playing like a guy who lost his mind was to be expected i guess. but it didnt really matter. i find that playing games while drunk or high to be very pleasant. anyway thats how my first skyrim experience

was. one of the first people that i encountered in my journey were the Thalmor agents, oh ill never forget that sixy female alter voice..

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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:37 pm

This times x1000. Except it was Battlefield for me. The first night i played Skyrim i did no sleep, i refused to sleep and everyone was amazed that i was still going well into the morning past 10AM. 12 hours strait... it was the single greatest experience i have had to date with a game. Far beyond what i had with New Vegas. 12 hours of my life and I'm an TES fan for life.

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:34 am

Im basically the same. My brother actually got the game, and I just played it on a whim. Skyrim is my first TES game and I knew absolutely nothing, aside from a few stuff a saw from watching people play on YouTube.

Made a Nord, went with Ralof my first time cuz i immediately thought the Empire was lolevil. Dark Elves scared friggin heebie jeebies outta me. I remember I was gonna make an evil character, so I planned on making an Imperial and going with the Empire :rofl: I joined the Dark Brotherhood cause I thought they were cool, didn't give a rat's ass about "morality." Just did whatever I wanted.

But the game just...I dunno, looked different than it does now, you know what i mean? Even though I was a casual, my first playthrough was probably one of my favorites. The world just felt so fresh and new.

In retrospect, that first time was so...WEIRD...people who play like that in such a wanton way just irk me, you know? That said, I'm so glad I joined these forums. I've learned so much stuff that I never would have if I hadn't. Plus I love having people to talk to that love TES as much as I do now :tes:

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GEo LIme
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:10 am

I was just looking through the character models when it was time to pick one. I was immediately disgusted with the Altmer. I mean, Gods, that was the ugliest thing I have ever saw (besides the Orcs in Oblivion). My first character was an Imperial. They just seemed more normal to me than the others for some reason. And yeah, I went with the Stormcloaks because they tried to take my head off (Praise Alduin).

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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:10 pm

I know exactly what you mean. The game was new, who knew what was around that corner or in that chest or when the next dragon would attack. Now it's been there, done that, ohh great another dragon.. PISS OFF!

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brian adkins
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:00 am

I remember my 1st time playing Skyrim at 12:30 am EST on 11-11-11. I was amazed by the graphics and it consumed my life for a good month. I still love the game to this date.

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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:45 am

:lol: really? the Wood Elf was the one that i was digusted by. I judged all the races by that first preset, and MAN, does that male Bosmer look WEIRD. The High Elf reminded me of Legolas, and the other elves in the Fellowship of the Ring (names completely escape me, haven't watched LOTR in ages).

And then, of course, the Thalmor made me hate High Elves and the Dominion. Luckily I know better now though :D

Right? First time I did Bleak Falls, every fight with a Restless Draugr was like an epic battle. Draugr TERRIFIED me too, btw. The first time I cut arvel down, I didn't know he'd run. So I chased him, right into that first room with the Draugr. I saw the bodies crawling out and drawing axes. I almost pissed myself.

Now the second I cut Arvel down I just stab him until he dies. :shrug:

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Jon O
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:51 pm

My first toon in Skyrim, and my first time playing it, were amazing. I would stop to look at the pretty environments, the nicely rendered water, the snowflakes... everything was a distraction. I still think Morrowind's and Oblivion's soundtrack were better, but Skyrim's OST is still pretty damn good. Well, now I play more rushed, I fast travel, I don't play to get over level 50... By no means I get bored of the game, but I simply create toons to do certain quest lines, then I move on to my next character. Much has changed, but this game is still as great as it was my first time playing it.

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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:38 am

I've always loved Bethesda's way of making the scenery jump out and look so beautiful and unique in the Elder Scroll games, or so desolate in the Fallout series. Honestly, Skyrim was by far the best. It is either tied with my first RPG( Fallout 3), and my experience with coming out of the vault saying, "Whoa! This is insane!" Skyrim did the same, but with beauty. Loved it. The dragon attack added a lot of urgency in it to be honest. I felt like I had to go to Riverwood and then Whiterun, etc. Loved it so much.

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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:00 am

My brother is still like that hell we spent a good few hours playing combat ops me an him against 9 ai on veteran playing ctf or in our case defend the flag an we also put it on a 5 second delay grab time an return time an it was funny as hell with 4 sentr turrets all mine watching the flag an we still lost.

An my brother an i share some gaming interests like borderlands an minecraft an he recently started playing fnv cause off his friends same with why he wanted to check out skyrim.

An with time ill even get him playing far cry an battlefield.

An as for my first time i got the game on release at 10am game home stuck it in an i didnt stop playing until the next day just those first few moments waking up on the carriage an creating my character an stepping out off the cave for the first time an from then i stuck to ralof like glue until we got to riverwood.

Then i wandered off expecting i was going towards whiterun but ended up at bleak falls an just looked at the beauty which i had seen on trailers an had been salivating over an it was the same with every location an encounter been weary an taking my time not knowing what or who was round the next corner or in the next dungeon.

if only i could wipe my memory off Skyrim an play it from a fresh start again.

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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:18 am

my first character was a dark elf with red eyes and wild looking hair. I thought she was pretty hot lol But I ended up trying to be good at everything and not at just a couple things. The result was point spent on perks I didn't need. I didn't know I could save them so I spent them. About lv 46 I was done with her. I made so many mistakes with her and quests but you know I look back at that with fondness.

Heck I had the trophy for 250 locations found in Skyrim before knowing you could actually run. I had explored everything with the default run. Same with changing the view. The directions were not so clear on changing the view either. I played most of the game with it zoomed up to look over my character's shoulder and I knew at one point I could have swore I saw her feet (I had when I first started due to default setting)

It was fun. I enjoyed it. my characters after that got things done how I wanted to.

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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:46 am

I didn't much like it. I'd only bought it because of the hype and was completely inexperienced with open world RPGs. Treated it like a route march through the main quest, ended up stuck in Labyrinthian (on the way to Ustengrav) at something ridiculous like level 2 ... so obviously, the frost trolls just kicked my derriere every time. Gave it up for a few months after that, then started again, a bit more relaxed, spent time doing everything not just getting through the quests as quickly a possible, and enjoyed it a lot more the second time around.

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kevin ball
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:27 am

I remember my first time playing Skyrim. an Argonian called Michael walked all the way around a mountain and then kept getting killed by giants. I eventually got used to the giants and killed them. It took me ages just to get to whiterun. I wasnt doing the MQ I was just exploring and I decided to mark whiterun on the map. I didnt go to riverwood.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:36 pm

since i was a hell of a Elder Scrolls Fan Boy i knew the essentials so i knew what to do... I was just blown away when i saw the mountains and waterfalls and my first dragon all the precious moments, Skyrim is Huge and I Love it :D Lost a lot of Social Life because of it :P

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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:13 pm

Overwhelmed is the best way to describe my first experience: sight seeing, getting use to the perk system for TES (how much I screwed that up), and the boat load of quests that shows up in your journal was enough to enjoy and pulling my hair out at the same time. Due to poor build and got the gist of things I quit my first character around level 25-30 and made another character. Game experience went a lot smoother when I did that.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:24 am

I still lose social life to it.

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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:12 pm

I remember looking for Winterhold to join as soon as possible to try out all the new conjuration spells and the newly added necromancy. I found the summon Dremora Lord spell. :devil: Then realized that I could ONLY summon him and three Atronachs, and that the amount of summons compared to Oblivion was neutered. :mellow: I then completed the Mages guild in like an hour. :unsure2:

But I was very happy they added necromancy, and was thrilled to finally get Dead Thrall. :evil: But then disappointed to learn that it only works on NPCs :mellow: and that I couldn't Dead Thrall Draugr simply because they are technically a "creature" :mellow:

But I jest. My first experience was rather lovely. A Breton Sorcerer. Conjuration with Destruction, Daedric Armor, and bound weapons.

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:02 am

I made an altmer coz i heard they were wizard-like. My first TES experience so i was clueless about pretty much everything, went to bleak falls straight away and the draugr scared the [censored] out of me! I had no direction for my character, i just sorta did everything, i loved every second of it, accidentally saved over him

His story ended at lvl 52

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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:05 pm

I lost all my social life because Skyrim...
I barely had one anyway.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:17 pm

What ever remnants of my social life I had were buried away with Skyrim. :D
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Katey Meyer
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