Draugr Deathlords with disarming shout. being a warrior thats by far the most annoying.
Draugr Deathlords with disarming shout. being a warrior thats by far the most annoying.
I've voted archers... they can be a pain in the ass to anyone when full powered! High level Mages (frost) are a close second.
I find warriors can be dodged/run away from/disabled if you're an archer/mage, and if you're a warrior yourself, well you're probably prepared for a melee battle!
Bears and Sabre cats (and more rarely, Wispmothers) early on are an absolute killer but once you've levelled enough they don't really even scratch...
Draugr piss me off when they disarm me and my weapon disappears into the floor somewhere. I had to redo the fight with Morokei twice because of that.
spell casters tend to ruin my day... hagravens for sure if I don't plan ahead well
Draugr+Fus Roh Dah+Ebony Bows= Really cheap death.
Them annoying mages and their incinerate or thunderblot spells
draugr and falmer archers, they are murder against my mage
It is about a tie between the hostile mages and animals (bears in particular), but chose the previous, especially the fireball mages... once they go into rapid fireball mode I cannot see where they are at and end up dead in most cases. They definitely drive me nuts.
Yeah, I'm with animals - especially wolves and skeevers. They're continually jumping around and nipping at your knees, just a major annoyance to get rid of.
deathlords that spam shouts are easily the most annoying
Mages that uses fire, seriously, if it's in a dark area i can't see anything.
Thalmor patrols are the worst for this, i usually target the mage first as he's usually the most deadly, but the other two spend the whole time filling my screen with fire whilst they hack away at me, i just end up flailing my weapon about hoping to land a hit at early levels
It did at first, but I made it a place to say (Tovald/Liar's are other ones) "separate the men/women from the boys/girls". Then it becomes a challenge to yourself more than an annoyance with that mentality.
I want to mention that as a mage I really hate how the dwarven machines resist frost and shock damage for some inexplicable reason.
And another thing about those goddamned things, why are they crawling all over Bthardamz? There's been like a hundred plague victims living there for gods know how long and they've just been dormant. Are the machines only programmed to attack Dragonborns?
Only partial resistant to shock and fire, but not immune to them (unlike frost).
Shock spells never seemed to work well for me. But how are these pseudo-steampunk machines that have a bunch of cogs and moving parts resistant to frost?