
Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:16 pm

I've been wondering for quite some time now, was anyone disappointed with dragonrend? When I first heard about the word, and how "terrible" it was to dragons, I imagined it making the dragons crash land or fall from the sky. Not land comfortably wherever they chose to. When I used it and saw it used I was like, "Are you kidding me?" >.< But, we can't change anything about it. I was just wondering if anyone felt the same away.

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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:27 pm

I don't think it works like an off switch that completely shuts off their mind and ability to fly, it just turns their mind into a confused mess as they try to understand that which they cannot

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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:08 pm

That would've been pretty awesome if Dragons crash landed like that. Oh well. It suits my warriors as they have no method of ranged attacks. It does its job.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:46 am

I know, but I thought it would make them more of a garbled mess.

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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:16 am

I never use it except for when needed in the MQ.

I think it should have slowly damaged their health and weakened their attacks.
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:05 am

This too!

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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:08 am

I don't have a problem with it, it doesn't shut down their basic thought process or ability to fly so if they see somewhere they feel is safe to land as they're racked by pain I'm cool with it. It has made for some frenetic moments as I've chased dragons down, especially in and around Solitude and Ravenrock but that only adds to the fun.

Got to remember the shout makes you extremely OP toward dragons anyway since you temporarily take away their ability to fly which negates their advantage since they can't strafe then rinse and repeat. Even on higher difficulty levels it gives you an advantage over them as well.

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Nuno Castro
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:41 am

Strange. I remember Dragonrend faceplantning dragons.

TV tropes put it best.

"JOOR ZAH FRUL!" Basically the shout which drives down a dragon. Not only can you get those nasty lizards down - them faceplanting being an option - but each time you use it, you're introducing them to the notion of their own mortality. Which kinda makes you the dragon equivalent of the Grim Reaper. Bonus point if you're using Volendrung and punctuating each of your blows with "JOOR!" (mortal) to keep the dragon from taking off or roasting you: here, you're not just introducing him to the notion of death, you're literally beating sense into him, one bash at a time."

Additionally it is a good Shout to disrupt dragons own Shouts.

Hey, OP. In the future make sure you actually know what you are talking about when posting a complaint.

Too many topics around here is basically Skyrim svcks because X isn't in the game!

And then it turns out X is in the game, only they hadn't experienced it yet.


So, dragons can crash land when you use it on them.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:00 pm

The name Dragonrend made me think it would rend apart dragons. Pieces go flying off, wings get torn off, scales get blown off, flesh is ripped from the bones, in a gory spectacle until nothing is left but the skeleton. They should have named it something besides rend imo. A simple shout that forces dragons to land doesn't do the word justice. As for what Arnathorn said about them being racked in pain, there is nothing in the game that suggests that. They just pretty calmly land. At the very least something that was racked in pain would be similar to an electric shock with muscles seizing up and the landing would be more something like the crash landing OP wants.

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:23 am

meh i like the shout has it is of course if they crashed would be more cool but meh it does the job for me so i cant really complain :shrug:

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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:27 am

That's just the way I see it, no one else has to like it. :icecream:

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:51 am

I've never seen that in my hundreds of hours of gameplay. Btw, I never said that Skyrim svcks because it's not like this, but I just got over-hyped about the situation. I have a pretty good and vivid imagination. Which causes me to think of things very literally and to the extreme sometimes.

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