Are battle mages worth it?

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:05 pm

Hey guys!
So I'm playing the game for the 2nd time, but this time I want to focus on a more interesting build. I really like heavy armor sets and close combat but when a dragon flies around you and you can only get a clear shot when he lands for a short period, it's annoying. I'm tempted to have a one handed weapon in my right hand and magic on the left hand, but then I can't block. So I was wondering, do mages have some sort of protection spell they can cast? And can we do a well balanced battle Mage build? Or would I be better off focusing on close combat and get a few archery perks for the occasional airborn foe?

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adam holden
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:04 pm

That's what a Battlemage is. Having the versatility of both a warrior and a mage. A BM doesn't have to have magic at all times. Also worth noting, BM's can be either One or Two Handed. They do as much damage from a far and when an enemy gets too close, they switch to melee.

You can use wards, Dragonrend, or Bend Will for Dragons. Battlemages also use Conjuration.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:29 pm

Then I would focus and magicka and HP and less on stamina?

Should I just have a magic set up (destruction spells on both hands) and then switch to sword and shield when the enemy gets close? If you know a good BM guide, let me know :P
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:29 am

A regular rule for most of my Battlemages is to Level up MHS 2-2-1 until Stamina reaches 200. The rest into Health and Magicka.

Normally, I throw an Atronach to get the battle started. I cast a flesh spell and start hurling whatever ranged destruction I have. When they get close, its time for the melee weapons to take over. Shield and Sword is a great idea.
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:29 pm

An AOE Destruction spell in the right hand and a shield in the left also makes fights with archers easier. Their arrows will harmlessly bounce off the shield, while they'll have a much harder time sidestepping a giant cloud of magefrost floating towards them.

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Ice Fire
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:32 pm

I'm level 118, and I've only ever invested in stamina once. With restoration, stamina isn't really too important. It can be detrimental if you're a vampire and you're in the sunlight, but otherwise it's unimportant.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:38 pm

Battemages normally uses Conjuration, Restoration, Destruction, Heavy Armor, and 1H-or-2H skills.

My main is technically a 2H Battlemage... Well almost. I also use a Crossbow with him cause I love me'h crossbows XD.

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:04 am

Oakflesh/Stoneflesh/Ironflesh/Ebonyflesh/Dragonhide - Alteration spells that temporarily boost armor rating up, and Dragonhide making you take 80% less damage for like 30 seconds, though it is a 2H spell.

As others have said, can be using a one handed or two handed weapon. Restoration magic is your friend. I don't use wards as often as I possibly should, though when your HP is running low, a good heal spell is helpful. My currently level 172 Breton started out pretty battle mage-ish (as Bretons often can be) I started out using a sword and healing, switching that out to flames. I leveled illusion excessively and got myself far behind in levels to my enemy. I then focused on using the above mentioned alteration spells to survive better. Once I had Dragonhide, I could survive well for short times, though used Lydia as a meat shield. Then I focused on Conjuration, as head on fights weren't going well, and I retired Lydia to get more XP myself. I got had all 3 of those to 100, got 100 enchant and my spells became free cost in 2 schools. I finished up with Destruction and then restoration. I turned my focus away from being as much mage devoted. Though still often will quick switch to Grand Healing to heal up (I playing on Legendary now) and otherwise use primarily a sword and shield.

Kinda went overboard on this, but the moral is that Battlemages can work, you just got to figure out what works well for you.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:24 pm

Unless you wanna play a Thor(not the g*y movie,the actual Thor) build with 1 hand mace and lightning in offhand,playing with battlemage is is not satisfying in my opinion.Heavy armor is also a must.

It's much better to be full warrior or paladin at the most(only restoration) or full mage in this game.

So for your dragon problem- try Thor.And get the Lord Standing Stone.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:42 pm

My higher level characters are all Hybrids. They begin a Battle by Ranged Destruction, then charge in to finish off weakened opponents. When the opponents are done they switch to Restoration to Heal and then head into the next group. Dragons just require an occasional Potion quaff to restore Magicka and Health while waiting for the Dragon to crash or land for a Melee kill.

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