Your badass male characters

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:09 pm

We havent had a male character thread for a while sooo....
post pictures of your badass male characters.

I'm not going to be doing a competition thing because I cant.

here is my Bosmer, Glarthir
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:24 pm

One of my older character from around 2 months ago. Did really well.

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Emily Graham
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:57 pm

First thing that crossed my mind was that paranoid conspiracy-theory wood elf in Oblivion... At least male bosmer aren't the midgets they once were

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:27 pm

I've got a few that I think are badass. My most recent is my first demigod (unoriginal name I know).

Then there's my main me (dark shot in Whiterun but it looked badass in person).

Next up is my Orc berserker who I recently made more menacing by giving him black eyes and darker skin(no pic yet).

I made my own who's a mix of Arnie and me (I put a bit of myself in all my guys).

My Dunmer spellsword who was inspired by Skeletor and became a vamp then never was played again due to the damn red lip line ha

Last but not least is, my ancient Altmer mage who was a character from Oblivion that made his way into Skyrim.

I have a few more guys that I just haven't taken pics of but I think this is plenty to share :tongue:

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jason worrell
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:38 pm

Unfortunately. It's what I liked about them.

Speaking of Bosmer, I happened to have old snapshots of my two-handed Bosmer warrior on my desktop.

Hm...if it weren't for the broken Dark Brotherhood and Companions quests I would go play him right now. I really liked the character.

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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:47 pm

I thought the name rang a bell so I googled it....any relation to this I don't know how I could forget about his paranoia which was hilarious in OB :P

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:18 am

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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:49 pm

I knew it was you that played the Snow Prince, I had just figured he died or something.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:26 pm

That Orc is my favorite.

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:20 am

I still have his save. I stopped playing after sacking Windhelm with an armada of Betrayed(you've seen the pics of the conquest right? You must have). And started playing Miraak 2.0.

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:28 am

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Alister Scott
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:06 pm him on 11-11-11. Long since retired.

He was a bit of a psychopath, and had a hatred of the Thalmor that ran so deep, at one point he couldn't get out of Solitude for almost a week (real time) due to repeatedly killing them on sight. He was also a horse thief and a murderer (forgot the actual count, but IIRC it was over 20 before retirement hit). However, he was not a member of the DB, no, he felt they we a bunch of sissies, always skulking about in the shadows. A real killer would meet his victims face to face and not hide in dark corners like a coward.

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:46 am

Bodolf Storm-Blade:

Stormcloak. Traps souls of Imperial nords so they dont get to sovngarde. Doesnt think they deserve the honor and thinks Shor can svck eggs if he doesn't like it. Background:

Character Background

Bodolf Storm-Blade
Warrior- Sword n' Board
Age 26
Birthday 4E175 During the time of the Battle of the Red Ring

Midyear 12, 4E201

I was born in Cyrodiil, raised in a farm on the outskirts of Chorrol. We live out here to avoid the bandits near the cities. They've always been a problem ever since the great war, or so my father told me. My father fought in the great war, and lost his right arm to an Aldmeri blade, so I had to do most of the work. I did not mind. We storm-Blades were not shy to hard work. My mother had to treat my father's wound regularly with restoration magic. She was a priest, you see. She acted as a battle maiden, healing soldiers in the war.

Thats apparently where they met, and where they started making me at. In a tent before the battle that took his arm. The aldmeri blade was enchanted with lightning and caused him to twitch a lot with pain even to this day which is why ma has to treat him constantly. Ironic huh? A storm-blade losing his arm to a lightning blade...At least thats what pa would say. He tried not to let it get to him by joking about it. He didn't speak about the war much. I just know it has something to do with something called a Concord...or something and its why we worship Almighty Talos in the cellar. Anyway, it doesn't matter. All I need to worry about is the farm


My dad was speaking with someone in the middle of the night. He was wearing some blue armor with chainmail under the cloth. He's not an imperial soldier. He might be a nord, but he talks with a strange accent. Could he be from Skyrim? What is he doing here? I can make out some of what he's saying. Stormcloak. And something about recruiting. What is that? Another Nord clan maybe like us Storm-blades? Pa looked at my window. I think he saw me. What could that have been about?

Midyear 14

My old man said that I'm going to Skyrim! Wow, I've never been to the land before. I'm a grown man and I've never been on my own. Wait why isn't ma and pa coming? Does it have to do with that man two nights ago? He said it has something to do with a man called Uric or something Stormcloak. He says he wants me to fight for him, but before I do, I need to know the situation first, learn of the land, the war, etc. But why? Why does he want me to fight for a strange land that I've never been to?

I get that nords come from Skyrim, but I've never been there. I know ma and pa were born there, but this is my home. My mother says she doesn't want me to go. She wants me to go with the Empire and join the legion. I agree. This is where I was born. This is the land I should fight for. My dad says this is why he wants me to learn about the situation there before I pick a side. I agree that I will. Mainly because I always wanted to go on an adventure. Childish, I know but I never really had a childhood. Work work work. This is my chance. Father says he'll begin my training in combat tomorrow.

Suns Height 28

Its been over a month since my training began. How father can fight with one arm and out do me, a younger man with two is beyond my comprehension. My weapon of choice was a sword and shield. His was a greatsword. How in the world does he wield that thing with one arm? During the training my ma showed me how to do a basic healing spell and how to use the fire spell that she uses to start our fires. I dont think I'll be using the fire spell much. I do like the ability to heal my wounds though. Should come in handy on any adventures I have in Skyrim. She also showed me the basics of archery. It might come in handy if I need to go hunting for my own food out in the wilds.

Last seed 10

My training in basic combat is finally done, and we finally begin my journey to Skyrim. My father and mother say they'll take the journey up to the border, then see me off. I wonder how they plan on keeping the farm going without me. Why is it so important to father that I visit the nord homeland? And why in the world would he want me to join a band of rebels? He was an imperial soldier, he gave up his arm for them! Could it have something to do with why we worship Talos in secret?

Its been that way all my life, and I never really bothered to ask why. I asked him why he was doing this and he said he wanted me to make the decision on my own, and not based off of what he says. I tell him fine, and I promised him I'd return in a years time with a decision. Seeing his gruesome wound never really made me shy to the thought of being a soldier. Maybe its my nord blood.

Last seed 14

We reached the border, but I'm not sure what to think. We stumbled across a dead body. It was the same soldier I saw that night talking to my father about the stormcloaks. Who could have done this? Dad said we need to move quickly into Skyrim. He said he changed his mind and that he and ma are crossing the border too. But why? What is going on? He wouldn't say. He just said to start running, so I did.

Are those imperial soldiers? Why are they after us? We did nothing wrong! We've got to get out of here. Maybe father got caught with the stormcloak? That would be bad. Being caught speaking with a traitor. This is just a misunderstanding then, I don't even really plan on joining them as of yet. I'll probably join the imperials like my mother wished. Perhaps I can talk them down. Explain the situa- ma, pa!


My parents. They're dead. They were caught in a volley of arrows. Dad died instantly. Ma was mortally wounded. I wanted to heal her, but she never taught me a spell to heal others. Why did this happen? Before mother died, she gave me her amulet of Talos to protect me. I couldn't stay by her side, as arrows were flying at me. I wanted to stay with her but an arrow piercing her eye forced the issue. That image will never leave my mind.

Last Seed 16

Two days later in the 16th of Last Seed, they finally caught me in an ambush. I had been running the entire time. I can't feel my legs anymore, and I'm starving, not to mention severely dehydrated. I finally passed out, and when I woke up, I was completely surrounded with weapons pointing at me. I contemplated fighting them to the death, but an elven mage paralyzed me before the thought got too far. The soldiers say that Occulatus soldiers caught my father consorting with a stormcloak, and said we all were a family of traitors. Just what I feared. They found the talos amulet on me and said I was a stormcloak too. My father may have sympathized with them, but he did not, could not raise a blade with them, and my mother was loyal to the Empire! I was going to make up my own mind! I would have joined these bastards!

The captain said this was not proof of me being a stormcloak, and that I was wearing rags, not a blue uniform. The elf in fancy clothes traveling with them said I was a talos worshiper and he demanded that I be executed with the other stormcloak prisoners they had and die a heretics death. The captain complied. Why? Why are they listening to this elf? Were our people not once enemies? I really wish father told me more about this Great War. They began to drag me to the carriage, but I resisted. The paralysis spell had worn off. I dont know about the war and the situation in Skyrim, but if I live past my execution date, I vow to bring these elves and the Empire to its knees for what they did to my parents. I swear by almighty Talos, if I live past this day, I swear, I will kill them a-- (black out. Bodolf was knocked unconscious and dragged onto the carriage.)
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:45 pm

My badass character is a savage Nord barbarian who hails from the Reach. He is a veteran of the Great war, who served under Ulfric's command. He is known by many names, such as, Erik the Destroyer, Erik the Conqueror, Erik the Annihilator, Erik the Slayer of Elves, Erik the Mad and Erik the Lazy Eyed One. Ok, so not many people lived long after calling him that last one.

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:18 am

Haggar could u tell me about your altmer . Did u use the far left skin tone? Smallest chin width to get beard to look like that? Awesome on all

Anyone have instructions to link pics?
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John Moore
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:03 pm


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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:02 am

Who's that female npc he is with?

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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:46 am

It's easy, brother. Just upload a pic to your favorite image hosting site, and they should provide you with the links to use here.

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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:08 pm

Oh, whoops. Uploaded that to the wrong album. That's another character from my roleplay. The character in that drawing is modeled after my dragonborn, but it isn't him. That guy is named Baldur Red-Snow. Funny since I like him more than my dragonborn, lol.

I like him, but I think he'd look more badass with chest hair :wink:

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:44 pm

I'll need to get a picture first but currently, my main character. Argonian in Heavy Dawnguard Armor who uses Dragonbone Claymore, Steel Crossbow, and spells. (He's a 2H Battlemage. The crossbow thing only because I love crossbows). And he hangs out with Derkeethus who is similar as well... Except Derkeethus has Auriel's Shield and and Legendary Steel Sword as his melee equipment.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:51 pm

I would have to say the first play I got past Lv 40.

His name was Zeta and was a nord. First thing I did was fight a bit, level up armor and 2h, then made him a smith. Got that up to 100... started on enchanting to like 45. He got so good, I had piles of money, dominated the Civil War and Alduin. I bought house in Solitude, then kinda stopped. He was a pretty awesome play... though has long since been beaten out by a female.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:49 am

they arent related but I got the name from him. :)
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Josee Leach
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:08 pm

So much male badassery! :D

I mostly hang around with BA male followers (now it's :wub:, here posing with Jenassa), and I've created a few male characters who look BA, like this, but since I haven't played them yet I actually don't know. My mage was kinda squishy, and my upcoming bard is even squishier, but I do have my thief, Arkas:

I've never bothered to read his background before... a mistake. That was great reading! (Good drawings too, you've made them?)

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:24 pm

Thank you :smile:

To the drawing, no those are commissions. The one where he is drinking with a hooded guy (commission paid for by another member in my roleplay. Hooded guy is his character) and the one where he's holding that woman is by Memai, paid by me. She's on the forum, but she's been out a while. The other to the right uncolored is done by an artist called Galagraphia. She also did this.

She's currently finishing the noncolored one now. That's a commission paid by another friend of mine. Its not my character from the game, just modeled after him. The guy in the drawing is a character on my roleplay. The woman is my friend's character.

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