I do think the Redguards made it somewhat problematic for themselves when they became a part of the empire. If I recall I read somewhere that treaty of Stros M'Kai between them and Tiber made it forbidden for the legion to garrison troops in Hammerfell during peacetime.. or at least when the fate of Hammerfell was not in jeopardy seeing as how they love to fight among themselves. That would make deploying the legion in Hammerfell quite problematic...
Do you honestly think for a second the fact that many Redguards sacrificed their lives to help and fight for the Empire only for the Empire to reward them by saying "We got what we want out of you guys, now we leaving your asses hanging!" is an even remotely good strategy?
What example do you think that will set for the remaining provinces? Of course the Empire could have at least tried supplying the Redguards if they can't fight for them which they didn't even bother doing because they completely and utterly abandon them.
but of course Cyrodill is the only thing that matters to Imp fans and whatever stupid thing they do must be a strategic advantages for the Empire even if it involves either doing nothing about Dominon taking over provinces (Valenwood & Elseweyr) giving them up to the Dominion (Hammerfell) or leaving them for dead (Morrowind). Of course if giving up provinces is their strategy then I don't even think the Thalmor even need to try in the next war.
That depends on whether you go with the Nordic "MANLY MAN OF HONOUR" Talos or the Heresy's scheming opportunist.
He'd have both sides, as Wulfharth is in there too.
Probably rather mad that they got whipped by the Thalmor
Dude has no room to talk, considering he needed a god robot of timey wimey stompiness to even get past the Altmer navy.
Alinor still held out for a long time as well I seem to recall reading somewhere or some sort of dragonbrake where they held out against it until like the 6th era or something caused by that.
Well either way whether the Dwemer where successful in whatever they where attempting to do or not they certainly made a hell of a Dragon breaking machine.