Trouble with SkyProc Patcher and Dual Sheath Redux

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:59 pm

I've recently run into an issue with the SkyProc Patcher for Dual Sheath Redux involving it claiming there are "missing masters" in my load order (there's not), specifically that the update plugin for JaySuS and the Better Quest Objective plugin for Moonlight Tales are missing masters. I can bypass this by simply unchecking those files in my plugin load order then running the patcher, however it doesn't stop there. Once the patcher finally reaches 100% it pauses for a few seconds, then I get an error stating:

"There was an error the custom patch.
(Files\tmp.esp (The system cannot find the file path specified))

Please contact the author."

I have no idea what that even means. I've searched for some "tmp.esp" file all through my computer and come up with nothing, so it's obviously looking for something that isn't there.

These issues are new a thing that just started happening a couple days ago, I ran the patcher a few times before and had zero issues. Then suddenly all this starts happening out of nowhere. I've tried everything I can think of, deleted and redownloaded Dual Sheath Redux, removed and redownloaded the files it has issues with, even did a completely clean full reinstall of Skyrim and my mods, but this still keep happening. Anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: Also, there was a "Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp" created at some point and is showing up in my NMM with "Warning: This plugin may be corrupt". I haven't noticed it before now, it apparently was created in one of the many SkyProc patchs I ran, but I don't want to turn it on for fear of it possibly ruining this stuff even more.

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Amanda Furtado
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