so, I think I've about decided on a new character. after several months of retro-gaming (finally located all 3 of Secrets of Evermore games) I've come back to Oblivion. so...the story is a gentle soul is about to be thrust into the adventure of, and for, his life. he in the area to attend a symposium given by an Argonian woman on the darkness of Cyrodiil. he was researching Daedra after a rather scary run-in with a scamp while in a ruin. luckily an adventurer was around and saved his life. so, after hearing this he traveled to the Imperial city with the adventurer for protection as he was headed to sell his loot anyway. unfortunately the Thieve's Guild was running rampant and he found himself in possession of something he wasn't supposed to. the Watch caught him with their uncanny ability to automatically know when wrong was done. he ended up in prison wrongly...and then the fateful moment that set him free...
so...almost NO combat experience, only the intellectual like
he's a scrawny little guy so acrobatics, and athletics
fill in here
he will learn combat as he goes but he will start out with nothing. he will have clothes only but will learn to wear armor later. he's very intelligent and has a latent personality that will make it's way out later.
I picked this up from Far Cry 3 and will flesh it out and do it right as I what do you guys think?