I don't know what to tell you. I play on a Toshiba Laptop, bought it 1 year ago. I play decently, with a modded Skyrim and heavily tweaked .ini file. I have no high res textures, and the PS3 version looks better. But I got mods. And is hella worht it. Maybe you should try looking on google for the lastest pc parts and get into canyourunit to get an idea of what you need? When you have it all done, mod the game, damn, is a whole new experience.
btw i played on PS3 too, but my opinion skyrim looks gorgeous on PC.
maybe @ Khakarotto have a better screen as i, so that's a possibility. lol
The think is what you want to do with skyrim. (If you want to heavenly modding it you need o powerfull pc), but if you want to play it perhaps only with HD texture pack like i do, you should considering your 1500 bucks !!!
It is advisible to buy each part separately and not as an (all in one solution) !!!!!
Please use that thread. All the Hardware People know to look in that thread to help out.