So, the first time I played Skyrim, when it came out, I got stuck at the quest where you have the dragon tied down in whiterun. I wasnt able to continue after many attempts at it, so I just quit the game. Now, im on a new computer, pretty sick one, and I thought that I would start a new character and go at it again, now with all the dlc included. Well, I cant even get past the ride to Helgen at the start. As soon as the ride starts (before I can even see anything) I hear the sounds of something going wrong, and when the picture actually comes on im in the air, the cart is flying all over the place. The NPC's are talking like normal, however the cart never arrives at Helgen, well, it did at one of the tries, but it was just crashing into the wall for 5 minutes until I left.
I read something about too high fps could cause problems, so I forced VSync to be enabled for Skyrim in the graphic card settings and thus limiting my fps to 144 (im using a 144hz monitor), and I can confirm that my fps is below 144 using MSI Afterburner to show me the fps ingame. However, it still happens. The cart flies around, gets stuck in rocks.. and what not.
What do I do? The game is updated to the latest version automaticly through steam. All the dlc is activated.