i have several local factions, and i have dialogue i need to condition for faction membership etc.
my problem with this is though, i want to work the dialogue more or less everywhere (keyword condtitioned locations),
but i need the _local_ faction (and it's far too many factions / dialogue lines to make new infos for any combination of voicetype/location/faction)
i already have controller items in any concerned locations that fill certain local aliasses (in the same quest that holds the dialogue) when pc's there anyway,
so if i could just fill an alias with a faction, this would be really easy.
but obviously, i can't do this.
anybody got an idea how i could acchieve this in a way that's, well, somewhat less insane than the juggling-a-dozen-additonal-hidden-helper-factions-and-moving-people-in-and-out-these-like-crazy-approaches i have myself so far...?
and being at it already, there's a whole BUNCH of functions for factions i'm desperately missing, like getting faction member count, getting count of factions a npc is in, get nth faction on npc or nth member in faction and so on and on and on, do really none of these exist or are they just called so different i can't find them on the wiki...? (no, i won't use skse