Help with first Custom Spell

Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:06 am


I want to make a custom scripted spell to go along with a quest mod I am making (more like playing around with, just learning right now but I'd like to find time to finish it...)

Anyway, my questions:

1.) My spell does not make sense lore wise as being part of any of the schools of magic. If I choose 'NONE' as the school, will the spell function without causing issues?

2.) If I have five arrays at length over 100 each and I need to fill them with ck created object references, is there a good way to do this with a while loop and custom editorIDs or should I just manually type out all 500 entries and fill them out one line at a time in the onInit event?

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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:53 pm

Choosing None should be fine--the school choice wont affect the spell anyway if it's script based. That is mainly used for scaling magnitude for spells like flames (for instance) as your destruction skill improves.

As for the array, you should be able to collect a formlist of all the forms you want to add in the CK. Create a new FormList, and drag and drop all your references into it. Then you can either simply use the formlist instead of the array in your script, or if you prefer, transfer the formlist contents into an array with a simple while loop.

Formlist property myFormlist autoint FLsize = myFormlist.GetSize()while FLsize     FLsize -= 1     myArray[FLsize] = myFormlist.GetAt(FLsize)endWhile
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:27 pm

1.Yes it will function reguardless of where it goes. You could have it as a lesser power if you want to be in the powers menu. You can set it to any school, just remove the skill multi and it'll be good to go.

What does the spell do exactly?

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