Daggerfall! Life in the big city with plenty of places to get lost and away from the maddening crowds if need be. The store selections are also great from the cheap run down weapons shops to the pawn shop one never knows what could turn up in.
Why Arenthia of course, doing jobs for the local guilds like the silver crescents and drinking a lot of Arenthia Red wine.
Sentinel would also be my primary choice, having visited it in Daggerfall, it's a truly beautiful piece of gem. And hopefully it won't get destroyed like many other potential choices I would love to be still available.
As of the 4th Era 201
Daggerfall hopefully there isn't much conflict going on in High Rock. I would visit Wayrest too but damn corsairs made a mess of the place.
Sentinel I don't know how I'll be able to stand the heat but damn the palaces and architecture is magnificent
Whiterun since it's the city in Skyrim I visit the most. Just got to find some way of getting rid of Nazeem and Braith.
Not sure if Imperial city has recovered from the Great War yet but it be nice to visit there again. Got to be on guard against Thalmor activity though.
Yea about that... you'd have better luck with Daggerfall.
The Imperial City. It'd be beautiful even if it was still damaged by war, and I daresay it's still the busiest city in Tamriel. Of course, I'd flee as soon as there's a hint of war - likely to Raven Rock on Solstheim.
The first one to get optical fibre broadband will get my vote.
Winterhold everywhere else is to warm.