If "more armours" meant more of the elaborate fandangled armours like daedric, bone mould, ebony, etc etc then I'd say that's unnecessary, but there could be more options for the primitive barbarian and the normal pedestrian/citizen.
If "more armours" meant more of the elaborate fandangled armours like daedric, bone mould, ebony, etc etc then I'd say that's unnecessary, but there could be more options for the primitive barbarian and the normal pedestrian/citizen.
I thought of one more thing:
No more trousers changing into skirts and vice versa ever.
With this stellarly terrible idea they just cut the clothing customisation options effectively in half.
If I want my female hero to wear trousers I should bloomin' well be able to and there is nothing wrong with a male wearing a skirt either.
Stuff like that really grinds my gears.