I'm running through a second playthrough and just completed rebuilding Lakeview Manor. I had Lydia with me while I built it, and I remember the first time I played through she offered to become steward almost immediately after I finished the "small house/entryway" construction. This time through, she never offered to become steward and also doesn't have the steward dialogue available to pick (only generic "What does it mean to be a thane? What does a housecarl do? etc).
After I had totally completed the house, I continued to have her follow me around, and at complete random once in front of the house she triggered the automatic dialogue saying "A fine home such as this needs a steward..", so I said yes to her. But, still had issues, she was still being a "companion" though and wouldn't return to the the manor when I told her to stop following me. I had no steward dialogue available, like the options to buy animals, a carriage, bard, etc.
After that happened, I looked in the house and realized I only had my own double bed and two children's beds, so, assuming this was an issue due to her not having a bed to sleep in, I reloaded my save to right before she offered to be steward, declined her and said I need to think about it, then built the additional beds for the steward and bard. I returned to her and again, no dialogue available to offer her stewardship, and she has yet to ask for it again automatically.
So, is this a common bug that can be fixed somehow? I tried to use console commands, resetai, disable/enable, resurrect, etc, and still no offer to be steward or dialogue. Maybe I need to reload even further back before she asks me to be steward to make the beds?