Helgen hell + Lat. generare -to born
Morthal Lat. mors, mortis -death + hall
Alftand alf, alfr -elf (Old Norse) + tand -tooth (Swedish)
Halldir hallucination + dire (he split himself into images)
Avanchzel avalanche + zeal
Bthalft Heb. beth -house + alf, alfr -elf (Old Norse)
Mzark Jp. mizu -water + Lat. arcere -to defend, to protect
Fort Amol Lat. amare -to love + ol -little, small
Fort Dunstad dunn -brown, black colored (Old English) + stead -place
Fort Neugrad Ger. neu -new + grad -town (Slavic)
Fort Sungard sun + guard
Nilheim nil -nothing, zero + Ger. heim -home
Miraak Lat. mirare -to admire, to gaze + ac -of, related to
Morvayn more or Lat. mors, mortis -death + vain
Zahkriisos Gr. za -very + krystallos -ice
Brina Merilis brine + Lat. mare -sea + il -of, related to
Nazir Lat. nasus -nose + ire
Uraccen Lat. urere, ustus -to burn + ac, in -of, related to
Anton Virane Lat. virus -poison + an -of, related to
Calcelmo Lat. calx, calcis -limestone + elm
Agni agni -fire (Sanskrit)
Taurinus Duilis Gr. taurus -bull + dull
Benor Lat. bene -to be well
Niluva Lat. nil -nothing + uva -graqe
Viarmo Lat. via -way + arma -weapon
Una Lat. unus, una -one
Aventus Aretino Lat. a, ab -off, away + venire, ventus -to come + arete -ram
Dagur dagr -day (Old Norse)
Malur Seloth Lat. malus, mala -evil + ur -of, related to + to sell
Penitus Oculatus Lat. penitus -inner, inward + oculus -eye
Celann Lat. celare, cultus -to hide or caelum -sky + an -of, related to
Durak Lat. durus -hard + ac -of, related to
Rexus Lat. rex, regis -king
Morven Lat. mors, mortis -death + venire, ventus -to come
Malyn Lat. malus, mala -evil + in -of, related to
Draugr draugr -ghost, undead (Old Norse)
Auriel Lat. aurum -gold + Heb. el -god
Clavicus Vile Lat. clavis -key + ic -of, related to + vile
For interested in etymology I made other games etymologies on this forum:
Crestfallen, the Way rpg