Hello everyone. Recently I got Legendary Edition and with it, Crossbows. Crossbows are my favourite weapon ever, as is Norman Reedus my favourite actor, mainly from his role as Daryl Dixon, most badass character EVER, in The Walking Dead, which is also my favourite series!
As this stands, I'd love to RP Daryl Dixon in Skyrim. By watching the series, I know how he would act. He is kind of a Rogue, but with a good heart and I want a Daryl Dixon from Season 3 and NOT Season 1.
I know how I would RP him, my main problem is both the looks (Race, Face and Armor/Clothes) and the build. Can anyone give me some advice on that please?
Those are some links that may help. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/320/5/1/daryl_dixon_by_shiovra-d5l7497.jpg
Just an addition I found that may help.