I was hunting and saw a giant so I decided to shoot at it then a dragon came and started killing mammoths while the giant was chasing me and then the dragon hit the giant and killed it now it is killing all of the mammoths. o-o
I was hunting and saw a giant so I decided to shoot at it then a dragon came and started killing mammoths while the giant was chasing me and then the dragon hit the giant and killed it now it is killing all of the mammoths. o-o
The dragon left and just came back and is killing the rest of the mammoths that were attacking me! You go Blood Dragon!
Just an average day on the tundra of Skyrim.
That was intense. It killed the last mammoth and started attacking me so I had to kill it
Dragons will attack anything around them, no particular preferences... and sometimes they will get killed. Which works out great at low levels, when you can finish off a giant and his pet with sniper shots... run up and get a dragon soul and loot!
Had the same thing happen on 360, after everything was dead the Frost dragon came after me. After running around killing giants and mammoths I still had one very nasty dragon to deal with. That fight is the most memorable wilderness encounter I've had in the game.
Edit: Come to think of it that might have been one of Alduin's named "Dragon buddies" I killed. You must have been at Sleeping Tree Camp.
Hevy, das your invasion of Markarth isn't it.
That was actually me trying to save that woman from the crazy forsworn guy...
It... didn't go exactly as planned...